I think Matrix/Element is the proper replacement for Discord.
Crazy how this man was able to reproduce while so many better men end up killing themselves from loneliness.
What deters criminals from taking what you have?
All I'm reading is justification for fighting Zionists wherever you see them.
I'd like to reach the point where it's okay to punch Zionists just like it's okay to punch Nazis.
Zionists are the new Nazis, after all.
Corporations have a vested interest in lowering people's standards so they can make more money.
Yay! It's our time to be the abusers!
"Just go along with what other people think even if you disagree with them."
Yeah, that's about what I'd expect from ya'll.
Harry potter was always crap for simpletons.
The problem with "science" is that it can be manipulated to fool people like you into thinking they are objectively correct.
At one point, "science" classified homosexuality as a mental illness.
Oh no. How dare she disagree with you!
Err... how?
Even if they could afford it, Germany could just refuse to accept them.
This must be what Botswana republicans are like.