
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 years ago

I cross-posted this from another instance because it's a good story, but also read a separate but related story here:

The predigested angle is new to me, but explains a few things. Kevin Hall mentioned in the article does great research on weight and nutrition at NIH.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Robin Waterfield has a Meditations which is richly annotated and cross-referenced, one of the first translations that I've seen to do this. As you read one item, it refers you to others like it and picks out words and defines them in their particular relationship to Stoicism.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

I did some markup that I think explains Intermittent Fasting (IF) in a simple way. Critiques are welcome.

Intermittent Fasting (IF). IF works by setting an 8 hour window, during which you eat normally and outside of which you do not eat yet. When you do eat in that window, you do not add any food -- don't jam 12 or 16 hours worth of food into an 8 hour window.

BEFORE Starting Intermittent fasting (example day)

  • Breakfast (7:00 AM) Cereal with milk and fruit
  • Snack (10:00 AM) Fruit
  • Lunch (12:00 PM) Sandwich on whole-wheat bread
  • Snack (3:00 PM) Trail Mix
  • Dinner (6:00 PM) Grilled salmon with roasted vegetables
  • After Dinner (8:30 PM) Popcorn

Intermittent Fasting 11:30am-7:30pm

  • ~~Breakfast (7:00 AM) Cereal with milk and fruit~~ (not eaten)
  • ~~Snack (10:00 AM) Fruit~~ (not eaten)
  • Lunch (12:00 PM) Sandwich on whole-wheat bread
  • Snack (3:00 PM) Trail Mix
  • Dinner (6:00 PM) Grilled salmon with roasted vegetables
  • ~~After Dinner (8:30 PM) Popcorn~~ (not eaten)

Both Calorie Counting and Intermittent Fasting work well for weight loss, as long as in counting you are 100% complete and your accuracy is reasonable; and, in IF, you only eat 8 hours worth of food during your 8 hour window and do not add any. Both are permissive and flexible (if you eat more on Friday night because of a social occasion, you can flex that by eating lighter earlier or later). Don't eat the same thing every day, but vary your meals.

One key thing seems to be support. Get and give support with others here so that you learn and improve and don't bear your burdens alone. Weight-loss and fighting temptation can be a lonely business, and nutrition can feel too complex to ever understand, but we have a good group here and together we generally point in the right direction.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

Wtf. US at it’s peak. At my first job, when I was 14 y/o, I made more than that (€2.72) doing restocking at a supermarket.

Supermarket stockers are not tipped so a higher minimum wage applies, which is $7.25 right now. However, laborers are also in high demand so most places pay more than the minimum.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 years ago

So will AITA if I don’t tip?


Is it really my personal responsibility to make sure my server is paid enough?

Because of the circumstances, taxes, and customs, yes -- in this case -- the responsibility has been pushed onto you.

You're right that it is ridiculous and unfair, but it is also currently the way it is. By not following the custom, the one being most hurt is the one least able to do anything about it. You also have to walk around afterward thinking that you maybe did not do the best thing.

It seems there’s a lot of discussion about getting rid of tipping, but I don’t know how much has changed in this regard.

Some experiments have been tried, and in some places a 'service charge' appears in lieu of tipping (you need not tip in these places).

Also, recently, counter service has put out tip jars and credit-card screen prompts for before-service tipping. You need not do it at all there. However, if a server has served you beyond the counter, tipping after the service is customary.

To tip 20%, take the subtotal (before the taxes), and move the decimal point one to the left. $28.00 becomes 2.800 (10%) then double that result, $5.60 (20%) is a good full-service tip on a $28.00 bill. More is welcome but never expected or required. Tipping down to 15% is fine, too, don't try to make it an exact science. Tipping outside of 15-20% -- after the service -- is usually done to send a message although studies have not shown that servers really care about those messages too much.

Because of this dastardly system, not tipping is particularly bad because tipping is most of their income. By not tipping, they are working essentially for nearly free in most U.S. states (a very low hourly rate, well below poverty wages).

And finally, if you don't know, honestly and politely ask them or a manager. "I'm not from the USA. Can you tell me how much I am expected to tip in this situation?" Servers may be a little generous with their answer, but most people are honest and happy to know that you will not stiff them for their tip.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 years ago

I read about the 5:2 and it seems quite doable and reasonable.

We learn from each attempt and the last one informs the future ones. I'm coming up on my 9th anniversary of my first log entry, July 9th 2014. Its on July 9th every year that I decide my strategy for the coming year. Counting is dead simple and second-nature now, but I remember and know it's hard to start.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago

There's an interesting side-note that may turn out to be a main point. Dr. Adam Glidden wrote Time-Restricted Eating for Treatment of Obesity? The Devil Is in the (Counseling) Details but the article is paywalled. Just going on the title, and what was said in the NPR article, clearly this was not just a minor good-to-know.

I got a lot of my support from visiting forums like this one nearly daily. I also am a member of a Take Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS) chapter that meets in person weekly for accountability, education, and group peer-support. Sometimes these forums and TOPS can be a little corny and social, but it gets the job done.

It's one of those things where we get out of it what we put into it. Participate and it won't feel so lonely, teach and you will learn, explain and you will understand better. But the side-note or other main-point of this study -- in this study -- is that getting support in your journey counts.


We have heard it so many times that it sounds like a weight-loss fact: eat less, move more as if both are equal and required. But that is not a fact, as people who are bedridden and cannot move more could not lose weight. Another problem with this fact is that it is self-reinforcing because our own experience tells us that eat less, move more has resulted in weight-loss for us.

So what is really going on here? Let's flip this on its head.

  1. We cannot diet our body strong. Physical activity makes our body strong.
  2. We cannot outexercise our food intake (at least, not unless we're extreme about it). Order that dessert in a restaurant. It takes 5 minutes to eat 750 kcal, about 7½ miles worth of running food (and that's 45 minutes if you run like me, probably 30 if you're good). No, losing weight is mostly managed by decreasing our incoming calories rather than exercising them off.

Thinking of those two things in the negative helps us make this clear:

  • Physical activity is primarily for managing our fitness. Lift for strength. Walk/run for endurance. (Lot of options in the areas of exercises, sports, physical jobs, hobbies, and lifestyle patterns.)
  • Eating right is for managing our body's weight. More for more, less for less.

Breaking them out into these two separate fields, instead of together, helps us see which tools belong to which job.

You might observe that these do have some overlap, but in that overlap there is both the complementary and the confounding. Exercise burns calories but also makes us actually hungrier and psychologically feel needy and deserving of more food. For this overall reason, we can make this statement:

Managing our food is required for weight loss. Exercise, mainly for fitness, and if the food is managed, it can secondarily help in weight loss.

That way we're clear. We prioritize better. Rather than run to lose weight, we run for endurance and conditioning. Running to lose weight is the wrong tool for the job. If we understand that, we won't quickly answer a failure to lose weight (a long plateau) with even more running. We'll still run if we enjoy it or need that training -- it's healthy and good for our fitness. If not running, we must do something else to be fit and healthy. Next to quitting smoking and losing weight, exercise is just about the best thing you can do for your health.

To lose weight, focus on the diet and primarily the diet. And since we don't just want to lose weight but to become and stay a right weight forever, let's not "go on a diet" temporarily but forever fix what's wrong with our eating and make it right. We do this with smaller adjustments to our regular normal food and our normal eating patterns, and not on mostly "weight loss" food or weird schemes.

Then, to that working change to our lifestyle's forever diet, the exercise that we do can also be assistive (but not primary) in weight loss.