Peri "Dot" Susge
Its probably reasonable to say that 25% of math majors cant solve this, therefore non-math majors aren't people
Any time they give a reason that there's some technical thing they can't accomplish, just remember mahjong. The devs programmed a fucking mahjong client into FFXIV (and it's quite a good one too, on top of being free trial accessible, apparently some people get the free trial primarily for mahjong). If they have the technology and budget to do something as irrelevant and orthogonal as that, they can put in anything (as long as the devs are interested in making it). So basically it's all bs, plus there are mods and plugins that do every QoL and visual upgrade imaginable already implemented as a third party tool.
Based on entries to his personal blog and social media posts, Mullenweg has been on safari in Africa this week. Mullenweg did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Cherry on top, lmao. Of course he's off doing rich white CEO things.
FF14 is basically unplayable at resolutions below 1080p. There's simply not enough pixels to display all the detail needed for serious play e.g. hotbars, buff/debuff bars, target/focus target, party list, castbars and enough empty screen space to see the boss. It's also complete ass trying to raid at below 50-60fps. If your framerate is low enough it starts to become a dps loss since the time you can queue your next skill is delayed until the next frame is drawn, effectively increasing your global cooldown. On top of that no access to 3rd party programs on PC that would help alleviate these issues e.g. framerate locking, zoomhacks. Only way this works out is that the new nintendo switch is a 1080p+ 60fps+ capable machine with specs equivalent to a midrange PC from 3-4 years ago. Or Yoshida is talking out of his ass giving a japanese PR response, which is pretty typical
Windows is malware and deserves to be treated as such
The 500 cigarettes adapter is so funny to me
My understanding is that captchas were never supposed to be impenetrable, just difficult enough that to have bots (or mechanical turks) solve them at scale is expensive enough to deter that kind of automation. It's probably getting a lot easier for a computer to solve nowadays though.
basically, instead of nerfing picto they buffed everything else. The biggest changes are:
VPR: removed their boss side debuff that causes more 10% damage, and baked extra potency into the regular abilities (sorta like leaden fist / monk stuff).
BLM: Buffs via enochian, f4, despair and some aoe stuff, re-addition of ice paradox, and a QOL change to Umbral Soul that pauses the eno timer indefinitely after you press it.
SAM: Basically got a mini rework, tsubame is no longer tied to a Meikyo or Tsubame-gaeshi timer, you literally just hit Kaeshi Setsugekka after every single midare. This screws with the loop, you have to do 1 more gcd per minute which means no filler at 2.14/2.15. Ad hoc play unaffected. This also single handedly makes speed samurai viable as this is a pretty massive buff to the basic 10 (previously 9) gcd loop of building up 3 sen and doing your double midare.
Feels weird to review an expansion before 90% of the content has been released. We have the main story, main story dungeons, and 2 "hard mode" trials so far? And one of the EX is hot garbage, probably the worst fight released in the past 4 years or ever (subject to personal opinion). There's still 12 raid bosses, 5 more EX trials, large scale field content, a deep dungeon i think, and an ultimate raid or two on the way. Still remains to be seem whether they are going to continue with good fight design, or endwalker fight design. Music has some good points for sure, and story as always is a non-factor. It's really nothing special as far as JRPGs or even previous final fantasy games are concerned.
I'm a bit disappointed that SE is continuing to enforce the God-given correct way to play these jobs (monk, pictomancer) rather than allow us to do jank tech for a 1% or sub-1% gain. For samurai tendo, I must be the only person on the planet who likes the long recast (double weave after iaijutsu, triple weave after tsubame). I like the two extra weave slots during burst. Also curious where the potencies will end up, I would expect BLM to get a sizeable buff, and I'm also not sure if Picto is meant to be on par with melee DPS but its numbers are really high rn.