Note that this is a monoclonal antibody injection and not a vaccine. This means that it will be way more expensive and protection will only last a few months at most. This is still a good thing for that are young and don't mount great immune responses, but an actual vaccine approved for this age group is still needed.
The MCC is money-grubbing, rent-seeking, parasite of an organization. Even having trained in Canada and having had an easier time going through all the hoops the IMGs, I have nothing but disdain for them.
Ontario and other provinces have recently allowed US licenced physicians to practice in Canada and this should be extended to other Western countries with similar training and practice, especially for desperately needed roles like family physicians.
I played it during testing and for a few hours since it came out to early access. It's great compared to the mediocre unfinished crap most AAA studios are putting out. The servers run smoothly, VOIP is great, there's a server browser, good gunplay. Obviously the graphics aren't the selling point, but the gameplay is fun and everything just works.
No this drug is actually approved for prevention and not treatment.
It probably would reduce the chance they would get sick and get natural immunity. However a RSV vaccine for infants is hopefully not far off so they can gain immunity that way.