You could help us at Organic Maps. We are in need of UI designers. Contact me or biodranik on Matrix if you are interested: and
Thanks for your help I'll definately tell him
Audio Spectrum Analyzer, Binaural Beats, Ball2Box, Buran, c:geo, CloudStream, Currencies, DeepL, FlowIt, ForgetMeNot, Git Coach, Glider for Hacker News, Image Toolbox, GMaps WV, Innertune, Lichess, LibreSudoku, LibreTube, Organic Maps, Noice, News (feed reader and podcast player for Android), Paseo, Perspective, Pixel Wheels, Radiodroid, Recursive Runner, RustDesk, Save on Device, Seal, Secret Space Encryptor, Spotiflyer, Super Retro Mega Wars, Tanks of Freedom, Translate (Alternative front-end for Google Translate), Vector Pinball, Volta, Wipe files, Xeonjia
Data Wing has a wonderful, well tought-out story.
Microsoft didn't stop the fuckery so I had to.
I think I get it what you mean.. you are feeling like you are watching a tv show in your perspective, like you are not the one who acts, you are just watching? One of my friemds had a similar experience, please tell me if I understand it the wrong way.
It doesn't stop it from snooping. Server Name Indicator is still a thing.
Chameleon for anti fingerprinting, ublock, clearurls, noscript
A little update on the story.
This was a fake account. However, Linus has indeed joined the Fediverse, but his handle is @[email protected]
Lol that sounds like the CCP said it
I like how it just works and how beautiful it is