It's Meth, Meth Police
I go there quite a lot, and this is not my experience at all, i have awesome food there. A wise old sage told me many years ago to only eat vegetarian there, as bad meat can make you very ill, while bad veggies just give you the craps. I continue to eat both, and only get bad guts as often as i do when pigging out on kebabs in London or the States.
Good luck for Friday! Hopefully you can post an update next week, so we know you're with us. This may interest you; my wife used to be an anaesthetist, and during long, boring procedures would give the patient a facial - blackhead removal etc. It's considered unethical, but she delighted in them waking up looking great.
Thank you! May yours be peaceful, prosperous and as long as you fancy
Same for me. I don't sweat the small stuff anymore, and fairly much everything is small stuff now.
So unless they can shoot with impunity, they won't fulfill their oath to serve and protect the public. Feels like we're being held hostage.
This. A cautious, managed Faustian pact. Sadly necessary.
I name them after the first thing i see when i pick them up. I've got three cats, Holly, Daisy and two-dogs-fucking.
Well, this is nice, hello
For me, Handel: Mozart is reputed to have said of him, "Handel understands affect better than any of us. When he chooses, he strikes like a thunder bolt."[159] To Beethoven he was "the master of us all... the greatest composer that ever lived. I would uncover my head and kneel before his tomb."[159]