In point of fact, one of the core elements of Taiwan’s strategic defense plans is “we will melt our chip foundries to slag with a shitload of thermite and explosives if the CCP invades and it looks like they’ll win”. It’s frankly a great tactic to get other developed nations to give a shit about your sovereignty: underwrite large portions of everyone’s economy.
Mmmm buttery males
gestures broadly at the insane protectionist shit Trump et al are doing and the effects it’s bound to have
…so when do we get FDR Mk. 2 again?
And then he turned around inside of 5 seconds and did it again towards where ~~die Führer~~ Trump was standing. TOTALLY not a Nazi thing, bro, just trust me.
This is a stopped clock situation.
She’s not wrong to defend him. But she would be a catastrophically awful pick for this position.
If I could - or if I could persuade my senator to - cast a vote of no confidence for Schumer as party leader, I would. But that’s not a thing in US politics.
Democratic politicians and failing at a thing: name a more iconic duo
To be clear, the GOP is pure evil. But the absolute fecklessness of the “opposition” party beggars belief.
Oh wait I thought they were getting rid of the 14th amendment. Now they want to use it for an abortion ban?
So, what’s the definition of “harmful”, and how likely is that to change arbitrarily in the context of the current government?
Yep, just a shakedown, nothing to see here 🫠
And the delivery people have non-standard quantities of oddly-jointed fingers and appendages
No, this is Patrick.