I don't find that bizarre at all, it's what he is going to do!
Took long enough for an Archer reference ITT. Thanks.
some clinical psychologists or psychiatrists (iirc) gave a pretty decent breakdown of how trump is breaking down mentally.
In Germany, we have a word for that: "Leidensdruck" and I think that's beautiful.
"They thought they were free"...
Tencent only got preference shares AFAIK (i.e. they can't vote with them).
Pff, just define your own cascade with @layers :)
Best advice I can give: Don't use CSS directly, use a pre-processor like SASS/SCSS. It really helps keeping things sane and somewhat organized.
Moin, UI/UX Knecht im Maschinenbau hier: Das mit den politischen Ansichten war bei mir ähnlich, also bin ich in die für uns zuständige IG Metall eingetreten (vor 2 Jahren ca.). Fühlt gut. Organisationgrad ist auch recht hoch bei uns.
I had time to think for a bit. Please be advised that I'm not an American citizen and the following is purely conjecture.
Basically, I believe the US is FUBAR. There are 4 possible scenarios for the 5th of November:
- Trump gets so demented it's getting impossible to get him propped up, he has to concede somewhere around that time
- Trump finally gets thrown in jail, before election day
- Biden wins - right now it looks like it would be a close call
- Trump wins
The article mentions, as many have before, that the "conservative" way of "thinking" has become purely emotional. So what do you think will happen if either of the three first will come true? Someone will seize the day and shout some bullshit conspiracy or another and now 20-30% of your emotionally driven population will get set to "angry" and "revenge".
If he simply wins: Mission accomplished!
Now that I've thought a bit more, even (maybe especially?) if Biden wins in a landslide, the conspiracy spin could even be made stronger. Yikes. It might be the time of troubles on a very large scale and I reaaaaaaaaaly hope I'm totally wrong with all this!
Never realized the Penguin of Doom got into coding :o
We've had very high-ranking members of at least one major party still believing the internet is a fad as late as maybe 5-10 years ago. Their policies regarding expansion of fibre and mobile internet were accordingly.
In fact, the same party had to make a historic decision in the 80's regarding the expansion of communications grid (basically a choice between traditional copper or fibre) and our highly moral chancellor Kohl chose copper - so his homies who wanted to establish commercial TV would have it easier.
Fight furries with furries?