Don't cut yourself with that edge!
inb4: "But YT operates at a loss and needs monies". No. Just no. They deliberately worked at a loss to stifle and kill opposition.
Don't cut yourself with that edge!
inb4: "But YT operates at a loss and needs monies". No. Just no. They deliberately worked at a loss to stifle and kill opposition.
I really like how my meme proliferates along this 'verse :) I hope the discussions ITT are as nice as in mine.
To be fair, they used setTimeout() and not thread.sleep() because the latter isn't possible out of the box in JS ^^
Obviously there a people in charge now who will never understand the Streisand effect. They could have kept it quiet and just... allow... the technical adept users to do their thing. Now, they are the laughing stock and get unwanted attention. Also, from my layman understanding, this shit won't fly in the EU at all.
Or, to say it differently: This is the best thing to happen to Mozilla in quite a long time and I'm a fan.
You're right. It does have the same energy to it, doesn't it? But of course, it also feels like that kind of regression permeates nearly every layer of society now, which is really sad. We should get angry before it's too late.
Drake is a creep.
Ladies and Gentlemens, the tolerance paradox hard at work.
There are dozens of us!
All Cats Are Beautiful :3
Wiping your ass after a No.2? Believe it or not, gay.
I hope this is the beginning of The Fall of the House of ~~Usher~~ Musk.
LGTM, Ship it!
clicks approve