Phew, don't have to run that diagnosis after all.
Sure, the society depicted in Star Trek is basically post-scarcity luxury space communism so we do not need propaganda anymore, I agree.
Uhh, have you watched an actual episode of any Trek series? Or did my sarcasm detectors just fail?
Maybe have to run a level-1 diagnosis on the whole fucking array again :/
Jupp. Panzerschokolade == Pervitin == Amphe
Personally, I'd use just simple HTML + precompiled CSS in the form of SASS / SCSS. Because modern CSS is actually fun when it's precompiled :)
They aren't the first and they won't be the last to learn. Another hilarious example was Walmart trying to get into the german market.
War Anfang der Woche mal auf r/europe und Thema war das aktuelle SPIEGEL-Cover. Dachte, ich wäre im örtlichen Nazivereinsheim gelandet, ekelhaft.
Das sub hatte schon immer leichte Tendenzen in die Richtung und wurde von mir daher eh ignoriert, bei dem Thema siegte dann aber die Neugier. Hätte ich mir sparen können!
And I hope we all learned to sanitize our database inputs!
I'd call him Bobby. Little Bobby Tables.
Das wurde nicht differenziert an der Stelle IIRC.
Holy hyper-normalization :O
ETA: One could figure out the state of our media and our (online) existence by just thinking a bit about those beautiful hashtags.