
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Well for the snow, I'd imagine the cleared circle is from the heat from the fire. I'd say it's more suspicious that the chopping block has unmelted snow on it so close to the fire, but it's also possible someone moved it into frame for the picture, which also could be why it's more crooked. And do you never put Christmas lights outside where you are? It could very well be just a regular tree with outdoor rated lights on it.

Not saying that it's 100% not AI or anything, the vibe is definitely AI, just that I don't see anything completely unreasonable in this image that gives it away.

Edit to add: it's a photo from 4 years ago, categorically not AI.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 months ago (4 children)

Also not a regular here, but my first impression is that the gray is an issue here. I think that the pink and the gray would work well, especially with other cooler tones, or lean in on the warm brown with the pink instead (maybe with a dark brown vest?).

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago (2 children)

I think I agree, I don't think it's AI generated (reflections all seem to line up, none of the details are really weird that I can see) but I suspect it may be a manipulated image, either via AI or manually. The focus seems off to me, especially in the foreground.

[–] [email protected] 59 points 3 months ago (1 children)

It's already coming to Lemmy even. I'd encourage folks to use the block function liberally. Do not feel bad about removing bigots from your feed, they are not entitled to your time or attention. Even if they whine and complain about bubbles online, you do not need to see their hate to know that it exists.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Hey @[email protected] (or whoever maintains it), I think that the end of daylight savings time has messed up when it checks for new content!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I think that we're circling the drain of agreement here, just expressing it differently. Yes, it would be sad to feel closed out of an aspect of life that you might otherwise enjoy like dating, but those are just decisions that people make all the time. Plenty of gay people choose not to date when it would be dangerous for them. Divorcées or widows might choose not to as well, and no one questions that. It's no great tragedy, it's just life. I'm sure plenty of people would also reserve the right to change their mind in the future if they met someone who meets their needs too.

As a form of protest, yes, it suffers from a rhetorical false dichotomy, but I don't think people advocating it literally believe "there are no good men out there," generally speaking. I'd say in fact that by use as a tool of protest, they are looking for support from good men who would want to date more equitably in the future (as opposed to fascist subjugation clearly on the table now in the US).

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 months ago (3 children)

People often struggle to articulate why they choose to do some things and not others. If this idea appeals to women on social media, my point is there are a lot of underlying factors that make it so. Women might not be literally tallying pros and cons of dating but those things add up subconsciously, and get expressed through various forms of speech, including dumb memes.

I don't think that women choosing not to date feel it as a burden either. If your choice is between someone who doesn't treat you like an equal human deserving rights and respect or being a little lonely romantically, many will find freedom in staying single.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 3 months ago (6 children)

Men don't seem to realize that the consequences of women getting equal treatment in the workplace means that more women have the freedom of self sufficiency, including not to date/marry men. Lesbian and bisexual women can of course date each other (and nonbinary folks) but heterosexual women are weighing the idea of dating a man not only against other men, but also against staying single. Relationships are work! Often more work for women who are typically assigned more domestic labor than men. And risk plays a huge part too- not only are women often at risk of pregnancy, but statistically more frequently victims of domestic violence if the relationship goes south. If the dating options are poor enough that the companionship doesn't outweigh the work and the risk, of course women would rather not date at all.

Women are also less socially isolated than men on average. A lot of men get the majority of their emotional needs met through their partner, but women may be emotionally satisfied with other non-romantic connections.

This type of protest isn't without precedent either. "Political lesbians" were (presumably heterosexual or possibly bisexual) women who entered relationships with other women for domestic support in the 1970s. Generally this wasn't super appreciated by the lesbian community who typically prefer lesbians who are attracted to women, but, it was a different time.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Why is this article from 2021 getting posted here now? Like, obviously that's a shitty and hypocritical thing to do, but the lack of context in the post title implies that this was recent?

[–] [email protected] 7 points 3 months ago

I don't know much to be useful in id-ing on sight, but can you describe the conditions it's been in? Is the soil well-draining? How long does it take for the top inch of soil to appear dried out, and how often are you watering? Did you repot it recently, and/or is the pot the right size (just a bit bigger than the roots)? How often are you using fertilizer? Is it getting any direct light? How many direct and indirect light hours total do you think? Is it autumn where you are and it's adjusting to less light, or vice versa?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Was @[email protected]'s comment not sufficient in this regard? If this is your first time getting misogyny defined for you, I think you need to branch out from Joe Rogan and try some media with women's voices as a focus.

Since you need your hand held here, this is my perspective: this comic's humor is just perpetuating a common, incorrect stereotype that women act nice to each other but actually hate each other. The punchline is secretly "women be bitches am I right?" and I believe this because if you swapped either or both of the characters in the comic out for men, it would no longer work as a joke.

Now funnily enough, I didn't make my Bechdel test joke for the purpose of starting a debate with dudebros online. I'm sure you'll find something in this comment to pick apart and continue sealioning, so here is your notice that I will not be replying further. Good luck on your journey of learning about feminism!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago (4 children)

Hey buddy, I think you're projecting quite a bit here. I made a Bechdel test joke, and you got "recreationally offended" over it. Have a sense of humor man! It's just a joke!

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