joined 2 years ago
Help. Συνγκρούστηκε <- συγκρουστώ <- συγκρούμαι;
Logo has changed for better.
It's more like angle. I have never heard say that a store is at some Winkel of the street, but at the Ecke.
Revolut exploits their job applicants:
Get well, Trudy!
Had never heard about it but it comes across as a very noisy place with lots of Gadsen flags and videos about Disney supplying kids to Epstein :-/
Ω, ευχαριστώ!
Τι σημαίνει το Π;
Πως λέτε "WTF" στα Ελληνικά;
Wir sagen vida de perros oder perra vida auf Spanisch. Leider auch nicht schön.