I don't remember which service but at one point it was streaming without "Love and Marriage" playing over the intro credits. I'm too lazy to dig into why, but seeing Hulu having that back made me smile. Overall not a really big deal but watching that show with the wrong intro music really bothered me for some reason.
joined 2 years ago
My brother's car got vandalized because it was one of the models this stupid video claimed was easy to steal.
Sounds right to me. I have my own small instance so All just shows me the same thing as my regular one. If I go to All on one of the bigger ones I see a lot more.
Thanks for this. Had not heard of the original or this but it is on sale right now and right up my alley.
I’m just a chem trail Don’t need no sympathy
Wow this game looks great for its age.
Love seeing both Homegrown and Bomb Biscuit on this list!
And not only do the laundry, but fold it and put it away as well.
That Polycom triggered PTSD for me.
Oh dang J had forgotten about that game. I remember enjoying it back when it came out.
I've also just mapped it to Ctrl+Alt or something as well. But ultimately for a daily driver I just got a Unicomp with the super key and use my old one with my retro rig now.