That's the whole point. Google assistant sucks because it only understands commands, and doesn't understand natural language. This is Google's attempt at making a truly great assistant, as they always envisioned it to be. Personally, I am very excited as there is a lot of potential in the technology. It would be a shame if they don't execute well on it.
Har opplevd det omvendte. Kvitteringen skrives ikke ut en gang ved mindre jeg svarer ja
It got you commenting so I guess that's what you'd call a success
It doesn't matter if he really has an iPhone or not. It's just that what he wanted in order for Microsoft not to have responsibility is basically to lock down Windows as if it was iOS.
Looks good.
The picture could use some better lighting though.
Can't believe you get downvoted for saying that. No worries though as the haters will all be proven wrong eventually.
You should all see the story about the invention blue LEDs. No one believed that it could work except some japanese guy (Shuji Nakamura) who kept working on it despite his company telling him to stop. No one believed it could ever be solved despite being so close. He solved it and the rewards were astronomical.
This could very well be another case of being so close to a breakthrough. Two years since GPT-3 came out is nothing. If you were paying any sort of attention you would see there are promising papers coming out almost every week. It's clear there is a lot we don't know about training neural nets effectively. Our own brains are the proof of that.
Don't understand why crypto is regarded as "shady". It works great for exactly this purpose. The solution is literally staring you in the face lol
What are you talking about? This entire post is about not trusting Google.