Hahaha so much this.
Thanks for sharing!
I feel like I've talked in circles about the failure of Infinite... I was really hoping it would bring that great Halo experience back to PC... boy was I wrong.
The content drip was just never there... Look what came out in the first year and basically two maps and one mode.... I went hard in season one on a quest to gain Onyx in ranked and that was the main driver along with the battlepass. Once that was done.... the pull was just gone. Then the dwindling player-base.... Ugh...
I enjoyed the actually gameplay itself... It just appeared to fail everywhere else. Let's not even talk about the transactions.....
That short synopsis is terrifying!
I’d love to see a return to whimsical OS style.
Glanced right over the link…..
I’m usually checking out the site weekly, feature a song at the end of each of my podcast episodes AND stream it every so often from rainwave.cc.
If you are interested, did a great interview Larry Oji and DJ Pretzel last year about the history and future of OCR.
And more that are even smaller.
Mario Kart 8 has an auto acceleration and steering assist mode that works great for the kiddos. My son was 5 when he started playing it and still loves it a year later. He just now is getting good at wandering around in Odyssey but avoids enemies.
Never tried it but there is a Paw Patrol game for Switch.
Maybe some of the Lego games as well? I know they have co op.
Awesome, thanks for sharing.
Can’t wait for kbin apps to start dropping.
Nope nope nope nope.
I'm still asking myself who that game was for? I've never seen Gollum in any medium and thought "damn, I want to be him".