Kalama lost bc voters for who voting is a real burden didn't show up to vote. They are poor and likely people of color. Fuck off with blaming people.
joined 2 years ago
Straight-up BS’: Democratic chair attacks Bernie Sanders’ election critique | Sanders’ analysis that Democrats lost because they failed working-class voters scorned by party chair Jaime Harrison
Then perhaps school should adjust but if new York stayed on -5 in winter Schools would start in the dark, which actually happens in a lot of places. Its bad for kids and we should use schools schedules bc they are publicly aun and the people who we must take care of to set the time. Everything else is obviously flexible.
Climate Crisis Is on Track to Push One-Third of Humanity Out of Its Most Livable Environment
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33% of voteing age people in Florida didn't vote. 37% voted for Trump, 30% for Harris.