That’s a fair point. Season 9 was certainly a vibe I can’t quite find the words for.
Jerry purposely drugging his girlfriend so he could play with her toys was pretty shitty AND horrible.
You mentioned a buzzing in another reply. That sounds like a grounding issue to me. Any chance you blew something under the board that is causing a short? At this point it would be wise to do a full tear down.
I'm almost at my train stop, so one final question before disappearing for the day: when resocketing the CPU did you put it in correctly and was there damage when you removed it initially?
Is the power switch on the PSU flipped on? Are the front panel wires seated in the right places on the motherboard?
Those are the two that get me when reassembling. I used to have an asrock 320m that had absolutely no grip on the front panel wires and it was easy to unseat one when blowing air into the case.
That is a world of difference! Would that steaming technique also work with tunisian crochet? Most of the panels that I have made are far too stiff. Also using acrylics.
I also made a scarf out of a tweed acrylic a few years ago and have yet to wear it due to the lack of drape. It does not flow at all and is extremely rigid.
And their refusal to listen to what the fans actually want.
And frivolous patent lawsuits on mechanics that they don’t use themselves. Or patents they made after said prior art came out.
And sending their lawyers after streamers and content creators.
And killing fan games that improve on their failures.
And artificial digital scarcity.
Their arrogance will be their downfall.