Why are repubs so freakin divisive? Like, why not we lift one another up? Dumbasses
spez is such a bish
not yet...
That largely depends on the position imo, and this is not one of the positions where being smart enough is enough…if youre trying to do a job that helps the most people possible.
I think he is smart enough to know that causing chaos will help only those that he favors tho.
Trump's so stupid that it has alleviated any sense of imposter syndrome for me, and it should for you if you have it too.
That bottom left dialogue sounds too close to Lrrr - ruler of omicron persei 8!
I really hope this mobilizes the public sector into fighting him as hard as possible by all the appropriate means.
My goal is to never buy anything that they ad. I can't always avoid it, but i largely do.
Hopefully his investors finally learn their fkn lesson and stop giving him money so he can be an ass
Ty Cobb was the Ty Cobbiest Ty Cobb to ever Ty Cobb
Lol nice