Yes, I think the implied sarcasm in "might" was not explicit enough. ;)
But non the less, thank you for your hint, and I mean that without sarcasm.
Yes, I think the implied sarcasm in "might" was not explicit enough. ;)
But non the less, thank you for your hint, and I mean that without sarcasm.
Um fair zu sein würde ich auch weiterarbeiten, wenn ansonsten die Familie auf 110000 Euro verzichten müsste und das obwohl ich gerne beim Kind bleiben würde, also ist es schon doof.
Allerdings würde ich dann wahrscheinlich größere Rücklagen haben, als es jetzt der Fall ist.
Nichtsdestotrotz bin ich eher dafür, dass die mit mehr Geld ganz verzichten, als die ohne Geld weniger bekommen.
This post might be a joke, but I feel compelled to answer either way.
The terms left and right heavily depend on the country, because those terms are relative. While in the USA democrats might be left of the republicans, the democrats would be considered mid-right in Germany, because there parties that are left relative to them. This might even be more extreme in countries like Norway or Iceland.
On the other hand there republicans could be thought of as mid-right in other countries, but I tend to avoid going there.
Not a JavaScript dev here, but I work with it. Doesn't "==" do type coercion, though? Isn't that why "===" exists?
As far as I know the operators ">=" and "<=" are implemented as the negation of "<" and ">" respectively. Why: because when you are working with sticky ordered sets, like natural numbers, those operators work.
Thus "0<=0" -> "!(0>0)" -> "!(false)" -> "true"
Correct me if my thinking is wrong though.
Some lovely kittens you have there 😀
Yes I would like to know too.
I'm gonna out myself here, I like Coldplay. Haven't really gotten into the new stuff, but Viva la Vida, fix you or everglow are among my favourites.