
joined 1 year ago

Foucault was disappointed reading the comment section

[–] 5 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Plato, you stupid science bitch

Nah it's not you, it's me phrasing my thoughts so no one understands shit

[–] 11 points 7 months ago (2 children)

Me and veganism relationships

Looks like they need to group people by testosterone range... oh wait

Rip off my eyes please

I'm reading my comment and it is still funny to me. I'm just a bad person I guess.

If god approves, it's not pedophilia apparently

Also in Russia we had a situation when a straight couple lived for 1.5 years together. But then the woman admitted that she used to have a penis. He killed her because he was anxious about what bros would think of him.

One can always say no, if they're uncomfortable to continue. Should work both ways

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