aiyo so sad for younger women. I don't think they are two dimensional, rather I think they are very idealistic about how they should be treated. It's very much "I want equality, but in a relationship I am your queen" sorta thing. If you are not their first priority, means you don't love them to the ends of the earth. I mean, yeah somewhat true; I do feel like your relationship shouldn't be the most important thing where you drop everything for them. It's one of your priorities, but not the only one. I think that's the difference between a mature relo and a young one.
I mean that's the challenge: it's soooo hard to tell what's too pre-mature and what's too vague. At the same time, yeah, how much questions is too much before it feels like an interview and much too formal? Aaaaaaaa
I guess this never gets easier. >.< and if it does gets easier, what does that say about ourselves as well? hahaha.
wah on the SPOT reject ah. oof.
See only mah, not the same as dating one xD
It depends on the experience also I guess. Maturity and wisdom, do they always come hand in hand? Agree with the age ≠ maturity bit though. God knows I know men in their 40s who made me ex look like the most sane guy around, haha.
or both? HAHAHA
I wouldn't call it stigma per se.. it's more a personal thing rather than what other people thinks of it tbh.
is that what threw you off? HAHAHA
listen to wise unker hyatt
NOOO not that dumpster fire, our own! I'll send you a link.
jenkin! do you wanna join our discord >.>
Great now I'm thinking what masks I can potentially use to make it more funny and/or juvenile, and that thought was more fun that the idea of going to this thing xD
Do you look good in your eyes?