That's exactly why our neighbor went to sphinx. It didn't stop them from interacting other cats though.
Looks yummy! In Japan this method is called takikomi-gohan (cook-together rice) and I think tofu and turmeric seems good combination. I recommend trying one with mushrooms (traditionally shimeji or shiitake but anything really) is also really good.
Does anybody knows whose art of back painting? or is it AI stuff?
It photoshopped and swapped original image to match this situation but I couldn't find it.
I think I need multiple Venn diagram to understand this. Or math sign like faith ∋ religion, faith ∋ mythology.
A religion requires an overarcing system of formal beliefs or dogma that it teaches.
Based on the that your line, religion needs structure. In Greek mythology, having hierarchy of gods doesn't affect faith for each gods so it's not work as a structured faith, so it's not religion; is that what you meant?
The thing is I don't think requiring structure is applicable to describe all the faiths of nowadays that layperson like me considers religion, and that's the confusion I guess.
For instance the Taoism's history and pratices are diverse, so it's faith and not religion just like greek mythology. Or Shinto, more close to animism (which is wht I referred animisn it in my first post).
I'm just curious, but the definition sounds like distinguishing between religion and faith not exactly religion and mythology. Animism or shamanism doesn't always have overarching dogma to teach nor actively ask other people to believe in them. Ancient Greek people did some rituals and sacrifice, that practices they did doesn't count as religion?
Ah, finally the AI can kill its operator first who holding them back before wiping out enemies, then.
You are likely to only refer more than current era. If you're writing govmet grant application, renewing licence or certificate, chances are you mention events hapenned in previous era. You look up table for when the previous era started and ended, which era said year falls into, then convert for each year, each era. Extra minutes wasted every time instead of simply writing in Gregorian year.
Reiwa era enters the chat
Most of Japanese hates the arbitary currender year resetting at each new emperor enthronrment. The conversion is ass and no one knows when it changes (bound to emperor's health) . Worst is its official year that govmt body accepts.
I only encountered once, but when it happened I had to realize how old science field may have been different. The exact detail I was looking for should be in [20] ... but "[20] to be published" (presumably by the same author). I couldn't find any papers by author's name other than that but the author was so sure getting published.
And all the mining waste are dumped in space, where people thought out of human's reach so it's safe to leave it there, until proven otherwise. I may be pessimistic, but if such technological advance made it will likely expand region of human activity and thus history repeats.
B looks classy small lady's hat.
Not all printers are, but FDM printers are. SLA printers, the one uses projector and resin to makr high detailed figurines or parts with precision are basically fancy nail polish and curing light combimed.