I agree it's better than star trek. Even universe.
Don't agree about TLJ, the prequel trilogy is just too ridiculous not to love, but I agree about rogue one. It was dull in all regards, color palette, characterization, erso's backstory and motivation...Im still confused by it's popularity. But I guess a lot more people than I realized actually don't like the Jedi. Which...then why watch star wars?
John Carter is such a fun romp, I think it really captured the spirit of old scifi, where things were a little silly compared to today bc they were really just flying by the seat of their pants imagining space travel and other planets. It was a real melding of scifi/fantasy. Today, we've seen pictures of the surfaces of those planets, and now current scifi is more like reading a thesis (nothing wrong with that), where the author really delves into the science, so the old stuff does seem corny. But it's great. It's like Jupiter ascending but good
Very beautiful! I love the style. R/sewing was one of my favorite subs, so thanks for posting this!
I can understand why it wasn't very popular, it was definitely less epic in scope than the others. But I felt like it was more consistent, there weren't any episodes I wanted to skip. Also I like Kaz's loveable goof character type more than Ezra's antisocial self. He had reasons to be like that but he made it hard for me to get through rebels.
I actually like star wars resistance. There I said it.
I watched it as being Stargate in name only, and on its own I think it was an entertaining show. What brought it home to me was that they were trapped on a ship jumping to random worlds. I thought that was an amazing framing device.