AI art is not copyrightable
Still hits too close to home
They're busy, collapse the data center support columns.
I want it all in a physical object in my home, that I can throw in the furnace any time. I don't mind the extra milliseconds, I want it in my computer not someone else's computer aka the cloud
We need open source, local running, use tunable, auditable, collectively shareable content discovery algorithm
Open source, tunable locally running content discovery and search with crowd sourced share preference models (like, people who like x probably like y)
Or governement hadn't been such little incompetent shits the battery dimensions would be standardized and have become commodities. And phones made irreperable would means fines in excess of all profits made on those phones.
I tried ipfs and have not managed to download a single file or where I might find them. How is I2P?
Severely impede sale of all houses purchased by people who cannot strongly demonstrate they intend to live in them.
Solution build excess housing at a loss, intentionally until real estate prices go down.
I very well understand the trappings if soft power, of buying leverage and market dumping to buy market share.
You seem to be under the illusion tgat those things aren't the very cancer at tge heart of tech.
You need to step aside, my bulldozer has a date with microsoft datacenters and we're having pancakes, concrete pancakes with demonic server stuffing in between the layers.
I used to be on digg. Fuck digg, let's ddos these cunts. Then cook some reddit datacenters.