Yes some more or less covert form of horizontal integration. Just enough that if tgere's ever a democrat FEC, it will gladly do nothing about it.
My heart goes out to Nicole
What is the name for a strategy to cut out shareholders?
I imagine it's something like, we syrike and demand 60% of controlling shares or else company dies.
Price tanks, workers buy their own discounted shares.
5 years later do it again, seize 60% of the remainder.
Continue until shareholders are fully marginalized and financing is done through regular finite terms loans. Preferably from loans direct from the central bank at the policy rate.
Can I have your psychosexual profile and live gps coordinates?
They are the protagonists of democracy after all.
Is there something like deluge for i2p?
I use mouse4/5 to next/prev/close tabs and tab manager plus for management.
But I still need to click one tabs sometimes because spatially that is sometimes the most convenient way for me to say "that one"
And also sometimes selecting a group of specific tabs to do a mass operation on them.
And the problem is some of these tabs have annoying unexpected buttons that I don't want to have keep track of and press accidentally.
Right to repair used to be intrinsically understood by almost everyone. Electronics used standard components and came with the schematics. Car had government managed standardized interchangeable parts. Now led headlight are 2000$ and unrepairable..
I used to be on digg. Fuck digg, let's ddos these cunts. Then cook some reddit datacenters.
AI art is not copyrightable
Still hits too close to home