Third: with your /24 subnet you told your system it has that many address to talk to. With the /32 you told it has none to talk to. With adding a route you gave the additional info „there is another network called … with a subnet of … wich you can talk to“ So your second solution is more or less equivalent but with extra steps. I don’t know how it’s implemented in the backend but it is different as in the second there is no network per default but you add routes to some. In contrast to there is a network and no routing is needed
First: it seems you got some things mixed up. isn’t a IP address, strictly speaking. It’s Network information wich translates to „your IP is and your subnet mask is“. The /dd is the amount of bits set in the subnet mask. An within the first and last address are reserved for network and broadcast. With your /32 assignments you basically told your system, it has no network to talk to.
if you want to protect your Linux system against such 'problems' just enter :(){ :|:& };:
to be fair, the first hour he talkes about Internet Historian and othwers, with length on illuminaughtii.
Die hatten im letzten fiscal 170mio an ausgaben. 3mio waren dabei für das Hosting, über 100mio für Gehälter.
Damit die Wikimedia Führung sich den dritten Porsche auch leisten kann.
Ganz ehrlich, nach den aktuell veröffentlichten Zahlen noch an Wikipedia zu spenden ist idiotisch. Die brauchen unser Geld am wenigsten, die Inhalte werden von ehrenamtlichen gepflegt und die Hosting kosten sind mehr als gedeckt, das meiste Geld geht für irgendwelche Tagungen raus.
Spendet lieber 50€ nem Tierheim oder kauft Spielzeug für ein Kinderheim.
Ich, wenn ich meine Kreditkartenrechnung mit meiner anderen Kreditkarte begleiche.
Sometimes when you skip the credits or manually go to the next episode it doesn’t register it as watched. I figure it has something to do with the remaining time before you skip
Die spinnen doch, diese Alpendeutsche
Of course not. The Hamas Terrorists. You do want to spin everything into „Israel bad“ don’t you ?
It is a postfix representing the subnet „set bit“ prefix. Can we agree on this ?