Honestly, even I was even my gym clothes on cold, and it works just fine. The hotter settings are more for stain removal.
- Turn your shirt inside out before putting it in the machine.
- Set the machine to cold water, delicate/gentle cycle.
- The picture you posted is of a dry, hot desert, right? What do you think a machine called a dryer that uses heat will do? Hang them to dry on a cheap rack from Amazon or your shower curtain rod instead.
I have shirts that still look practically new after dozens and dozens of washes.
Not all famous people's friends are famous. 🤷🏼 They both used to be part of the cosplay community that would attend a lot of anime conventions, but somebody made a joke about doxxing myself, so I don't feel comfortable saying much else.
Wtf that's my partner's friend! I've seen people I know on Reddit a few times before, but I didn't expect it on a less populated place like Lemmy. It's a small world.
What you’re saying is like, “You complain about being sweaty??? So what, do you complain at the gym too?”
I’m not in a theater. I’m at home. I don’t want the TV crazy loud for a number of reasons which can include the fact that I’m not a terrible neighbor, the time of day, my partner may be asleep, etc.
If I wanted to go to the theater, then I go to the theater where I have certain expectations which includes well-mixed, loud sound. That’s fine, and I will hear both things that way.
Not since the days of yore when there were DBZ websites with affiliate links. Lol
Same. Surprised at how much this resonated with other folks though. Seems to be a lot like Wish.
It's this exact mindset that caused them to go extinct. Lol
I loved the desirepaths subreddit. It's a shame it's, ya know, a subreddit.
Thank you.
Pretty sure that's Kim Jong Un, and this is North Korea.