It got me hard.
It got me hard.
non binary relative slang word
Sib is what you're looking for
I think it's also more likely that the cops would be the main problem
The first Red Scare was in 1919 and communism was a big enough idea in the US that the government was putting communists in prison
Robin Hobb is a woman, though
It's definitely a thing in the US and I imagine a lot of other places. Even smaller cities will usually have at least one. Some aren't going to have actual arcade cabinets (or not many of them), but will have consoles/emulators set up
No, you're thinking of Cesar Chavez. They're talking about the guy who invented salad.
A) be rich
B) don't be poor
Sounds like the way to not hate your job is to be rich?
Biking while too drunk to drive is probably still a bad idea. Not as bad as driving a car, but you can still cause a serious accident on a bike, especially on roads in the US where there aren't even bike lanes in most places.
What are you even trying to communicate here?