I could use some input. For context, I write a blog where, among other things, I run a "book club" for Free Culture fiction, figuring that the least that I can do is spread the word about interesting projects that can use some help. I'm always looking for new things to cover on Saturdays, but games (that make sense in context) especially seem elusive, so I'd like to see if anybody has any possibilities that I hadn't considered.
So far, I've gotten to Forgotten, Endgame: Singularity, Nothing to Hide, The House, A Dark Room, Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead, Space Company, Learn to Code RPG, Dead Ascend, Level 13, One Hour One Life, Counterfeit Monkey, The Command Line Murders, SQL Murder Mystery, Colossal Cave Adventure, Death off the Cuff, and kiki the nano bot. Hopefully, I didn't miss anybody. A couple also sit in my queue waiting for a free day when I can make sure that I can run them and confirm licenses.
What I'm specifically looking for are games that (a) exist somewhere that a person can find them, even if that means (occasionally) spending some money, (b) has a license compatible with CC-BY-SA, at least for the storytelling aspects and (ideally) art assets, which generally excludes the GPL, but I make an occasional exception for exceptional cases, (c) ideally not related to a prior game by forking or overlapping authors (though still mention them, because I'll come back to those when I run out of new things), and (d) has some kind of narrative that goes beyond the literal main character overcoming obstacles. I'm somewhat lax on my definition of "narrative," where I'll accept world-building as long as it's evident in-game and not in an unlicensed design document.
Thanks in advance!
I've been using different versions of SearX for a long while (sometimes on my server, sometimes through a provider like Disroot) as my standard search engine, since I've never had great luck with the big names, and it's decent, but between upstream provider quota limits, and just the fact that it relies on corporate search APIs at all, sometimes the quality craters.
While I haven't had the energy to run YaCy on my own, and public instances tend to not have a long life, I don't have nearly as much experience with it, but when I have gotten to try it out, the search itself looked great, but generally didn't have as broad or current an index. Long-term, though, it (and its protocol) is probably going to be the way to go, if only because a company can't randomly tank it like they can with the meta-search systems or their own interfaces.
Looking at Presearch for the first time now, the search results look almost surprisingly good if poorly sorted, but the fact that I now know orders of magnitude more about their finances and their cryptocurrency token than what and how the thing actually searches makes me worry a bit about its future.