I'll let you know when I get there. Hasn't happened in my first half century.
Do you want more building codes? Because THIS is how we get more building codes!
I want to invite this SO MANY TIMES
This is terrible advice. Don't do this thing
So, what does this get me over, say, irc?
I need to watch that!
And it just embodies the can-do attitude of America in the 50s! Big hole full of things we can barely shoot thru? Get gas and flamethrowers, and we're going in! Flying ants? Call in P-80s! The spiritual parent to Aliens. I honestly feel like Aliens is just a remake of Them! With a heaping helping of 80s nihilism and ennui.
Do you mean when cooking them or eating them? When cooking them, I put enough Lawry's Seasoned Salt to be visible, but not so much that the egg whites are all orange
Honestly, it's probably a matter of practice, try turning out several batches with varying amounts and see how you like them.