My current modem & router in Room 1 is too far from Room 2, even with mesh network, the signal is still not weak, and I can't run ethernet cable neither. So I'm looking for MoCA options.
I think one option is to move the modem before the splitter, and set up the router there. But the only problem is that it's in the attic where all the coax cables meet, and I'm not sure whether the modem and router can survive Texas summer in attic, which can easily reach 110F. And also, I have to use 4 MoCA adapters.
So I'm wondering whether I can feed the MoCA back to the coax cable which connects to the modem. Based on this YouTube, it seems possible. But I can't even find this product ( goCoax WF-803M MOCA 2.5 adapter) anymore. Is it not possible now?