I just added 60tb of storange aaaaand... its full.
Are they protected bike lanes, or a line on the normal street that cars swerve through to turn and park
As far as I can tell, unfair terms in their EULA which are illegal in some places, and silently changing the terms of the EULA after the fact without informing anyone. Removal of content/mods under the new terms that they deemed they "didnt like" it because it had guns while putting guns in their own shop. Probably a number of other things.
I had to scroll down... 17 posts to find one that was actually shitting on windows. Linuxsucks is the same 3 dudes circlejerking and complaining about linux.
There are heat pump dryers which take longer but are more gentle because the clothes are heated significantly less. They recycle the air across a cold plate to condense out water vapor out then a hot plate to re-heat the air. Its essentially a dehumidifier.
The investigation did not spotlight the similarly-named Matrix open source communication protocol.
Same name, different app than FOSS Matrix
I'm in power electronics and its the worst of both worlds
Its funny how they spent so long trying to break their way into twitter to force everyone to deal with them that someone had to buy the site to make it happen. Once they did they started gloating, "now you're stuck here with me," and when people left to bluesky they went "wait you cant do that"
Never made sense to me to keep cutlery and plates and stuff that never gets used to show "yes this is the place where eating happens."
I wonder what the chances are that the coming administration invalidate such marriages, probably on some dumb Christian nationalist grounds
Unless it is a plane