
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

This post has also confirmed that I, also, am not crazy. I knew its was changing randomly!

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

we would need more info. There are so many possible factors

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Loved Way of the Samurai growing up. Game felt huge as a kid!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Militarie Gun & Koyo are killing it. I would like to add Fleshwater's We're Not Here to Be Loved.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)
[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

This has been beaten to the ground.


I got OpenMW running on my old Thinkpad thats running Fedora Linux with over 200+ mods. I didn't think it would but its running just fine; I couldn't believe it. Has not crashed once in 60hrs but I thinks that due to OpenMW.

here's the modlist if anyone is curious:

I've been playing through the Tamriel Rebuilt mod for the first time. It blows my mind how much work and love is being put into it. and they just released a huge update last month. Dare I say, the quest/story writing is much better than original Morrowind. I spent maybe 30+ hours on the mod and I'm guessing I have at least 100+ hours more to go.

I highly recommend, you reading, to install OpenMW and at least get Tamriel Rebuilt mod going. You won't regret it.


Morrowind has a special place in my heart. But it seems rather dead here.

Which quest is your favorite?

[–] [email protected] 15 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Comments on Lemmy tend to have a lot to say while offering a unique perspective. But most of the posts are boring and predictable, especially when it comes to politics.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

Home rental and ownership are not substitutable to each other nor does renting lower the demand for ownership. The amount of tax exemptions of buying a home, esp as first buyer, are decent over rental. Find out what a buyer's vs seller's market is. Look at what the avg. capital gains are for homeownership vs home rental (which are basically none). You still pay property tax on rentals such as apartments. Buying real estate is an investment, meaning you expect and should make returns on it (even if its just from selling the home years from initial purchase). A lot of this can change by state but generally, and overwhelmingly so its rings true across the US.

Look, I'll be straight up, you seem like you are coming from a place of someone who has never closed on property - which is 100% okay. but you are wrong, as what you said was not an opinion but just factually wrong.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I just want to say, I really like your comment - it felt the most right to me. You take in a lot of considerations and all that. I like that.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

I instant exit on XML conf files. I have no idea how to parse the info, maybe I should. But there are too many tags and my eyes instantly glaze over when I see it!


I'm using btrfs for the first time along with default Fedora Workstation. I want to setup incremental snapshots in case of something goes wrong while tweaking my system. Or just be able to take a snapshot right before making a major change. I'm not sure how to get started. When I look up guide, most of them feel a bit too advanced.


Someone replies to me and how do I go to their post? Its not obvious

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