Unity would probably work under windows 11, since Windows is generally good at backwards compatibility. However, I can't confirm myself since I don't use windows or Unity. Perhaps ask if your son would consider using Godot instead of Unity in case it doesn't work (or even if it does, since Godot is the better engine for most use cases anyway IMO).
Not deleted enough, though. Youtube has its own big alt-right problems
Communism for the rich, capitalism for the poor
There's no limit on when an abortion is or isn't ethical. If the foetus is developed enough that it's possible to induce early birth (without risking the parent), I think that should be done (so that would cover your 8.9 month example), but in general the parent has the right to change their mind on the pregnancy at any time.
None of these things are remotely controvertial except by the far right.
Edit for context: they were complaining about some very uncontroversial things (ie. this as well as the same company recognising Russia as the aggressor against Ukraine, and one other thing that I forget).
From personal experience, the Cowboy Bebop opening text (around 700 characters) is the most I could fit on a QR code while still being able to print it and scan it with my phone, in case that helps.
What about the "sources" section of said page about the Uyghur genocide?
Based on something Linus (Sebastian) said during a LTT video about a surface laptop with rounded corners, Windows doesn't recognize the corners as rounded either. It just draws to the screen as if the corners are there and hopes that it works. You can even move the mouse off the screen by moving it past the edge in the corner.
That implies the existance of a fungible Tolkien
I think when people talk about UBI replacing wellfare, they're mostly talking about things like food stamps and disability pay. Basic infastructure like public transit and basic necessicities like free universal healthcare and education would not be negatively affected.
I feel like the fact that a handful of students could cause so much trouble kind of proves the point they were making
Free software is, at its core, about the users having control over their own use of the software - the software isn't controlled by some owner and licensed by the users, but instead all users have equal ability to understand and use the software. If you consider communism to be political, then free software is political, because free software is communism in its purest form.