
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (2 children)

So you're saying that a "black hat hacker" cannot exist, because by definition a hacker is not a malicious actor. So everyone who is using the word "blackhat" is disrespectful towards those who identify as "hackers", as much as using the N-word or F-word is disrespectful towards the respective communities. Am I getting that right?

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 years ago (6 children)

Yes, I have been following Signal and alternatives since... well since TextSecure was only for SMS. And I find that many times people critical about Signal don't really know much about it except for the fact that it uses the phone number (not the email).

Again, not saying it's perfect. Just that for my threat model (which arguably is a valid threat model for billions of people), it's a very good solution.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 years ago (21 children)

Whenever someone says "Signal is not good enough", my answer is "what's your threat model"? For me it's a pretty damn good compromise given that all my friends and family are on it (as opposed to e.g. using WhatsApp or Telegram 99% of the time and a perfect alternative with one contact). The day I can realistically think about making my contacts move to a better alternative, I'll do it. In the meantime, that's the best I've got. And it's not too bad, to be fair.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

Extremely confusing how? I copied the first sentence in the "title" box, then the first two sentences in the "description" box, and the article again starts with those two...

Also the attack demonstrates that they could not do much, but still they got access to some accounts, which I believe qualifies for "some people where victim of an attack". Or does it need to end badly for the title to be allowed to say that there was an attack?

EDIT: sorry, I actually had missed the title and copied the first sentence. Fixed!

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 years ago (23 children)

To be fair, even though they bypassed the 2FA, they did not get access to previous conversations and contact list. That's the point of the article, right?

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 years ago (10 children)

First, I did not make the title, I just linked an article.

Second, I get that you wish people did not use the word "hacker" the way they do, but... isn't it how natural languages work? Words mean what people them for. I wish "crypto" did not mean "cryptocurrencies", butibn many contexts it does. That's life.

Talking about clickbaits, what about linking to your blog everywhere you can? It's completely off topic (the link is about Signal, your blog is about how people misuse a word according to you), but nobody complains, because apparently you thought it was relevant, just like the author thought that calling them "hackers" was fine.

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