Yeah, I hate this era where there's no difference between satire and real life.
Did she practice it to be able to pass the field sobriety tests?
I feel like that's how you get those kinds of opportunities to begin with. They only trust you with the control of assets of they know they can control you through blackmail. Musk especially got his first business opportunities through In-Q-Tel, which is basically a CIA venture capital arm.
Or maybe they should get to keep the minerals for themselves instead of getting shaken down from all sides.
Yeah, suddenly they'll go from 60 hour work weeks to 0 if the AI proponents are to be believed (which you shouldn't).
I wouldn't exactly describe the last decades as 'peace', but ok...
Also forced people to use a Microsoft account to use it, and they definitely messed something up in the migration.
Don't worry, the state department will buy them. No conflict of interest there!
I've been using it, it's basically still K9 mail with minor changes. It doesn't really have the features you see in the desktop client.
They might promote it more when it's got the features you'd expect from a mobile client, like proper search with a local index.
I guess his parents, a lot of the people he's friends with and his parents and grandparents were, but he hasn't outright said it. So I guess for now it's" just" Nazi.
Yeah, definitely. It's a great mantra when you're in startup mode and just want to validate a market or impress venture capitalists or whatever. But then when you start having customers and people relying on you, you need to start doing proper engineering.
It's definitely not something you should do when lives are at stake.
A fucking monorail is some Musk type bullshit.