So are hair plugs.
If democracy doesn't work for people, they're fine with getting rid of it altogether. The East was never really invested into after reunification, and in the whole country the poorest have been going backwards for decades. It's the consequence of the political debate being limited to very strict parameters of what is and is not acceptable to talk about in terms of solutions to problems. Even the 'socialist' party will go for neoliberal solutions and won't talk about the wealthy and corporations extracting wealth from the country.
And if you can't talk about that, it's easy to blame immigrants instead for the very real economic problems people are experiencing.
So from the context of places visited, this is an unvaccinated (prospective) college student from the area that's currently experiencing an outbreak? I bet they were looking forward to finally leaving small town Texas and then this happens to them.
Yeah, not sure how they even got a clearance if that's the level of judgement they showed.
Yeah, there's plenty of precedent where they just redefined the word fraud to mean 'anything I don't like'.
But does Europe need anything like that? The European fighters could easily deal with the Russian ones, and that's basically all that counts unless they want to fight the US, in which case you still don't want the F-35 for obvious reasons.
Eh, I would reserve the hate for cybertrucks specifically. A ton of people bought a model 3 or whatever before he went full Nazi.
He didn't what? Have the biggest tower?
And again, women are the victims of the Republican war on trans.
Yeah, it's about time they started funding healthcare more, it's been allowed to get way too underfunded.
I don't know about where you live, but here there's thousands of different cuisine trucks. Burger trucks, Indian, Portuguese, pasta, Korean, baked potatoes, etc.
Keep voting for the democrats and definitely don't ask them to do more than give speeches on MSNBC and write strongly worded letters. It's only a matter of time before the West Wing moment comes where the Republican comes to his senses and does the right thing.