I got some Harry Potter newspaper vibes from this, I being animated was totally unexpected.
If the internet shuts down, I'll be basically out of a job probably, so I don't know about addiction, I'm probably have a very bad time
That sounds as good as chocolate pizza. Bad
Follow the companies those developers are now instead their former companies.
answer, the question, what is the actual labor value provided to the chain by those laborers? laborers create actual value, the ruling class exploit and extract value created by others. not for society as you say, but actual you know, value, wealth. they are contributing to production or not? it's easy to answer for real labor, mental gymnastics else. They are or are not fucking parasites of the laborers? Answer the question.
Ok genius, what's the"labor" provided by a CEO? How do horizontal organizations like cooperative manage without that piece of labor? Do you know what a traitor of it class is? It's the reason police don't get the working class title either, they are watchdogs that provide no labor value, just means of control for the ruling class. Fuck capitalism, CEOs, the police, and everyone collaborating with oppression.
CEOs are not working class dumbass hahahaha
In Argentina we call Hamburpizza to something that is basically a grounded meat disc, that's the diameter of a pizza, and the buns are two pizzas, usual burger fillings apply. Of course we cut it in triangles. It's not that good, but it's not the piece of crap the pic has.
What if we start killing board members instead of just CEOs, you know, the puppet masters along with the puppet.
While we are at it, also any billionaires to
are you posting this elsewhere, I love your stuff
Millennials should get renamed as the interesting generation.
Also mirrors his father having Adam embryo in his hand.