I woke up early and played 45 mins before i has to leave for work. I just did that dogfight as well. Work is sooooo slooooow today!
I think you mean Round the Twist, not Round the Bend. Was also an excellent show, loved it so much as a kid!
Knightmare was great!
Starfield early access hits tomorrow, I think it's gonna be tricky to convince myself to also do my washing, shopping, etc. this weekend!
That's really scummy. A lot ofnpeopke have been paying $45 a month ans been told they woukd get a new phone at the end of it. Now they just change their mind? How is that not breach of contract? Looks like a class action is needed here!
Can confirm it is, I went for it and now have SF preloaded 😁
Why is this downvoted? Just cos it's an ad or should I not take this deal?
I spent so many hours building the bases in Fallout 4, especially once the mods got going!
So I'm looking forward to that, but I'm worried that the npc pathing will be bad again. They never used half the stuff I built cos they couldn't find their way up stairs and things very well.
Can we start calling them pro-shame protesters?
Get a better than the rest are in vanilla and if they want a cake was there any way I could get an extra bag for the Turmish government for me and the indigenous people of each island to the North surrounded by dwarves in a long tradition started by a narrow road to a modifier area with the sahuagin of a kraken in a long tradition started to fall in love
Here's changed their name to Evri to try and escape their terrible reputation.
Wtf did you just call me?!
You do also get the first expansion thrown in