are those not identical? regardless, i'd recommend checking out a vertical mouse. my partner works with a mouse a ton as a 3d artist, and swears by them.
i think it was the same troll, actually.
did you just suggest a ratio as an irrational number?
Grothendieck's Prime tripped me up in a maths competition in high school. i had manually stored a list of primes in my calculator, and one of the puzzles involved primes and deducing the combination to a lock from certain clues. my list of primes erroneously included 57, which almost made my team fail the level, until i realized my error.
he lost it at an underground lake, where bilbo found it. gollum found the ring in a river, or rather, his friend found it in a river, and then gollum killed him and took it from him.
holy crow i wish this was real.
i think you may have misplaced an image here or something.
eww gross what the hell.
it could have been, but then it'd just be some guy claiming it was there without presenting the evidence, and it wouldn't have settled the debate at all.
i think the implicit assumption is that you aren't running 5e. in ose, two magic missiles tops out at 14 hp.
i don't get it, but i also don't see a point in hating just cause somebody has some weird beliefs that don't make sense to me. identifying as a specific character does strike me as different in a pretty big way from transness or even therianthropy of otherkin-ness. but regardless, you do you.