This. They do not care about facts or logic unless it serves their agenda. Truth is wholly malleable to these lunatics.
I'm not sure why you're getting down voted for stating a fact: money has to be created through direct spending or back stopping the creation of money by private banks via the reserve system before it can be taxed away.
You can't tax back something that doesn't exist yet.
Just because it's not "our tax dollars" doesn't mean is isn't OUR public money.
The last political talk I had with my 70+ year old mother ended with her screaming at me and crying while she called me a know it all for actually having thought through my convictions and having data to back it up.
I called her out for holding a brick in her hand that has access to all of human knowledge and saying all she did was look at fucking Facebook.
Then I get told I don't know what I'm talking about despite knowing very well what I'm talking about.
These people are demented
The biggest thing I feel is rage and betrayal.
There are people in my immediate family who voted for those who think my disabled pansexual leftist ass should be literally murdered by the Gestapo.
That's the betrayal.
The rage is that I've seen this collapse coming since I was a kid in the mid 90s. I was absolutely ready for this in my 20s. Now, I'm 40, disabled and can't even stand white light for long or any loud sound along with a host of other issues.
And none of them listen despite telling me how smart I am my whole life. I take one baby step to show them a flaw in what they're saying and suddenly I'm a naive idiot to them.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
I love this. Such a great use of an interesting piece of wood!