Me too. I adore The Culture. Consider Phelbas is going to be an extremely difficult adaptation, and it's one of the less approachable books in the series in my humble opinion.
Exactly. They need to stop treating these "lawmakers" as coworkers they sometimes disagree with but want to co-author a bill with later.
When they commit felonies, perjury, discrimination, treason, make threats... They need to be tried just like anyone not in Congress would be.
As long as the Dems in control DON'T do this, they're not only complicit, but they're enabling worse behavior in the future.
Plus there's the fact that while their immune system is very mammalian, they have a series of novel adaptations that make them nearly perfect populations for particularly nasty viruses.
Here's the scolding Linus SHOULD have given Hellwig MONTHS ago.
I said it before and I'll say it again. Martin was wrong, and got treated fairly. He threw tantrums and stirred drama instead of acting like a maintainer.
But. That didn't make Hellwig right. He wasn't right. He was way out of line and over his skis, being hostile for hostilities sake.
Unfortunately many rust programmers already have a sour taste in their mouth regarding Linux development, which is a huge loss for the progress of the project.
I vote to the death.