Same with tiktok. they used to let you watch videos without the app, now they won't let you unmute the video. one of my frineds keeps trying to send me tiktoks and i'm like, this is worthless.
Forgive me if I'm mistaken, but wouldn't logging out of the compromised session be all it would take to end the attack in this case?
Can we just hit that domain with junk data and crash their shit?
Ithink what youre saying is somone should begin compiling a list of servers that aren't terrible. I wonder if there could be a way to set up a list of "certified servers," then set up your instace to automatically federate/defederate based on the lest. it would probably be too time consuming to do manually, but you could allow instance owners to register, then review and remove as necessary. it would give a central spot to report bad instances at least.
i clicked that link, and know Ihave cancer, thanks a lot.
yep, i get these every once in a while. maybe around once or twice a year. no bueno.
Rent is getting ridiculous up here. Any new apartment is at a minimum $1500 a month, anything that was $500 a couple years ago is $800 - $1000 now.
firn burn?