
joined 3 years ago
[–] 4 points 3 years ago

I for one choose not to believe that the only opinion is the one stated by an authoritarian regime

okay, then don't listen to the state. read the "evidence" yourself, look at the data and see that it is straight up bullshit. some things are outright lies & others are completely misunderstood and misrepresented data. when you crunch the numbers it is abundantly clear the "genocide" is not ocurring. seriously. do the calculations.

or, you could listen to people who actually live there. and if you don't trust those people, how about non-chinese tourists who go to xinjiang? there are plenty of videos of people walking around.

[–] 1 points 3 years ago

i would say perhaps you would understand more if you went to 新疆维吾尔自治区 but it appears you are an anarchist so i don't see you being able to separate the idea of china in your head from the real china. that name up there reads "xinjiang uighur autonomous region", by the way. an autonomous region has different legislative power than a province. they also are required in xinjiang to have higher offices held by uighurs. so i think they would know better than some anarchist what is best for them.

[–] 3 points 3 years ago

what do you say about the fact that the us state department attorneys have said the isn't evidence of genocide??

[–] 4 points 3 years ago (1 children)

then just use the "subscribed" tab and not "all" or "local". that way you're not "wading through" anything. you can set it to automatically default to subscribed in your settings.

[–] 3 points 3 years ago

for anyone reading that definition of tankie, i will provide some education:

"Stalinism" is not a thing.

to the hilt, even in cases where other communists criticise their policies or actions.

this is 100% false. "tankies" absolutely have criticisms of socialists states. but 1) they are just criticisms, not those based on false propaganda 2) are not shared aloud around liberals because liberals latch on to a single thing as if it is evidence that proves every one of their wrong thoughts

Some of the people round George W Bush used to be left-wing, but they haven’t really changed their views much; they were mostly tankies.


[–] 4 points 3 years ago

We shouldn’t have to be concerned about this will be gab.

this won't become gab precisely because there is no "free speech". allowing "free speech" means that you allow things that are destructive and oppressive and the moderators & admins rightfully won't allow that. that's a good thing.

[–] 4 points 3 years ago

Believing and spreading propaganda denying current and genocides of the past, posting things like “defeat israel”, defending russia and china, pushing misnifnormation and propaganda in the dictatorship of Belarus’s favour and even supporting north korea.

you are the one believing in & spreading propaganda. the people here encourage each other to look past propaganda & listen to the people of the countries and people who understand the actual systems of those countries, instead of taking CIA propaganda and automatically thinking it is true.

for anyone reading this, let's use the DPRK (north korea) as an example. you hear that it is a dictatorship. but that falls down immediately when you figure out how their government actually works. kim jong-un is not even the president! he is also not the premier (arguably the "top" of the three "top" positions in the government)! he is in charge of the military and the worker's party (which is a position he is elected to). and about that, there are three political parties, by the way. and a worker can run as an "independent". two-ish years ago there was an interview with a young man who lives in the DPRK. he said that he votes for kim and nearly everyone he knows does because they think he truly is the best person for the job.

see? once you start reading about the way things actually work, you realize that what you have read is not merely misleading but outright false.

Lemmy is just the gab of the left but as an alternative to reddit so they can spread their stuff.

this doesn't make any sense. if we were simply trying to "spread our stuff" we would be on reddit doing so.

I’ll actively work against Lemmy and it’s developers

i had been polite to you but after this i say: good fucking riddance.


cross-posted from:

The law will be applicable to data processing activities and security supervision within China's territory. Data processing activities outside China's territory that harm China's national security, public interests will be pursued for legal responsibility in accordance with the law.

The provisions of the Cybersecurity Law apply to the security management for exporting data collected or produced by the operators of critical information infrastructure inside China's territory, according to the law.

Besides this, China will establish a "centralized, unified, efficient and authoritative" mechanisms for data security risk assessment, reporting, information sharing, monitoring and early warning, according to the law.

For international companies like Tesla, the law means localization of the data. For example, as Tesla sets up factory in China, the data generated will be kept in China, and be subject to supervision of related cyber data regulator, Zhu Wei, a communications researcher at the China University of Political Science and Law in Beijing who specializes in cyberspace security, told the Global Times on Friday.

According to the new data security law, those who violate it, like provide important data to overseas actors, may face fines of no less than 100,000 yuan ($15,660) but no more than one million yuan; but if circumstances are more serious with core state data being mishandled or national sovereignty being endangered, a fine may be issued up to 10 million yuan and their business or business license may be suspended or revoked.

[–] 3 points 3 years ago

this is so horrible. the article brings up right to repair and obviously there is the issue of privacy so i won't comment on those but i'd like to bring up another issue present in these cases: misogyny. it is no accident that the photographs that were published without conset belonged to a woman. yes, men have also been victims of this, there is no doubt about that. but men feeling like they own women's bodies and that they need to violate women's autonomy for sexual or even humiliation purposes (sometimes nudes are published as "punishment") is an issue we cannot forget to address.

[–] 4 points 3 years ago

someone said to me that people were being helped by china "only because china wants something in return"... but then said that china hasn't asked for anything and acknowledged that the people of the island love china because china cares for them and provides aid when no one else will.

[–] 3 points 3 years ago

so only the two ends of the spectrum, communists and fascists aren’t, libs?

for the purpose of calling people libs on the internet, yes. reality is more nuanced.

doesn’t it mean “individual rights and freedoms” a bad thing

yes. individualism is a tool of the bourgeoisise. communists want "everything for the masses".

[–] 1 points 3 years ago

dude is a fucking clown. which wouldn't be such a huge deal if he didn't have so much power over people. as mentioned by others, he's not even that smart. he's just rich.

all billionaires are bad. i'm not memeing or anything--it's the truth. people don't have billions of dollars by accident. they have billions of dollars by exploiting other humans (and the planet's resources).

[–] 1 points 3 years ago

chaotic neutral

exploiting people

yeah, that's not neutral.

also you used said that he "indirectly" exploits people. this is untrue. he directly exploits people.



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