Being without a job same unless there's something super cheap on my wishlist I really gotta have....I can't even make a decision of what to play out of my library half the time lmao
Yes bc not voting gives more power to the people I absolutely don't want running things that attack me for being audhd and bi.....regularly. In fact these are the same people who want to return to the 60s and further back when being who I am and happy was illegal. They'd rather shove me in a insane asylum than just let me live. All bc of some hogwash believing people like me are some kind of cp all the while they're the ones doing that exact thing.
Actually it's not. Bc thats basically what they're asking for, but they need pay raises too. I'm sure thr board members get insane compensation too. You're so close to the point but still missing it acting like that's not that much money to be making. No ceo, board member or anyone else should be making more than 600k a year maybe 750k at the very max. If you can't afford to staff these places better, have living wages but SOMEHOW can pay ceo and board exorbitant wages and raise prices to the point of greedflation, somethings extremely wrong. There's so much wrong with your arguments that stray into defending the rich and how much they get paid and missing the point elsewhere.
No one needs that much and that doesn't include other compensation that they get in stocks and such. Someone else said after all.of it thru make 20mill. No one needs more than maybe 600k. Even a ceo. They don't deserve that much. Stop being a corporate bootlicker, again bc that's all you're doing and it's gross.
Never heard of that one but I'll look into it. Most of the issue is that I'm basically gay and gotta move it seems. I've got so many doubts since I've had so much rejection on these apps XD