
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

oh damn looks like the link is dead, will try to fix it

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago

surprised no one posted this yesterday, didnt even see the update my self yesterday and didn't know it came out until I got in game with my friends and we were on some new map lol

Smissmas 2024 update! (

Team Fortress 2 Update Released December 11, 2024 - TF2 Team

Happy Smissmas 2024!

All players who play TF2 during the event will receive a Stuffed Stocking as a gift! Stockings contain goodies for good little Mercenaries.
Featuring 6 new community maps: Overcast, Fortezza, Penguin Peak, Patagonia, Cutter, and Maul
Added the Winter 2024 Cosmetic Case
    Contains 23 new community-contributed items
    The Festivizer can be found as a bonus drop when opening the case
Added 3 new community-contributed taunts to the Mann Co. Store
    Taunt: Fore-Head Slice
    Taunt: Peace!
    Taunt: Curtain Call
Added 18 new community-created Unusual effects
    9 new effects for Unusual hats
    9 new effects for Unusual taunts
All cosmetic and taunt cases will grant Smissmas 2024 Unusual effects instead of their normal Unusual effects during the event. This does not include crates.
Mann Co. Store winter sale!
Smissmas runs through January 7th, 2025 


Fixed a client crash when previewing imported items in the Workshop dialog
Fixed showing an error model when equipping the Scottish Resistance
Fixed The Executioner not hiding the Scout's dog tags
Updated the Mountebank's Masque to fix a problem with the materials
Updated/Added some tournament medals
Updated vsh_distillery, vsh_nucleus, vsh_outburst, vsh_skirmish, and vsh_tinyrock
        Added the gamemode intro movie (made by Lacry, thanks)
        Improved the delivery of VSH-related voice lines for Soldier, Engineer and Sniper
        Updated some VSH-related voice lines for Saxton, Soldier, Engineer and Sniper (thanks The Rat Man)
        Added Hale's kill icons
        Visual improvements to Hale's Ability HUD (thanks Funicular)
        Added a visual cue signaling an upcoming Saxton Punch!
        Minor visual improvements to Saxton Hale and his particle effects
        Fixed the boss bar sometimes starting invisible
        Fixed a rare crash caused by seeing blood decals on Hale while playing on low graphics quality settings
        Fixed a rare bug when Hale's Ability HUD textures become missing
    Balance Changes - Saxton Hale
        Added Brave Jump Fatigue. Each consecutive jump will be less powerful, requiring a short break to restore to full strength
            Weightdown ability is disabled during Jump Fatigue
        Increased Hale's health by ~100HP per opponent
        Adjusted Hale's health formula against 24+ opponents - Hale now gains 2000HP for every opponent past 23 (thanks Megascatterbomb)
        Hale's resistance to knockback reduced from 75% to 35%
        Head Stomp damage now scales with Hale's downward speed, dealing between 64 and 193 damage (previously dealt flat 195 damage)
    Balance Changes - Mercenaries
        Explosives and fire now deal 50% more damage against Hale
        The 40% minigun damage penalty now applies to full crits only
        Broken Demoman shields now retain the charge ability
        Demoman shields now absorb only 50% of the incoming damage upon breaking (a would-be-lethal blow will leave the Demo at 1HP)
        Greatly decreased sticky trap damage reduction
        Removed Scottish Resistance's 20% damage penalty
        Baby Face's Blaster now loses 20% of its boost upon Wall Climbing
Updated vsh_tinyrock (additional changes)
    Improved performance
    Fixed odd clipping at one of the spawns
Updated vsh_distillery (additional changes)
    Improved performance
Updated vsh_nucleus (additional changes)
    Fixed setup time ending five seconds too early
    Improved detailing in some areas
    Improved clipping on staircases
    Increased control point capture time to 15 seconds
    Removed collision on some lights
    Changed damage model and damage amount of the toxic waste pit and puddles
Updated vsh_skirmish (additional changes)
    Fixed setup time ending five seconds too early
    Fixed an issue where Engineers could build in the crocodile pit
    Fixed not being able to wall climb certain trees in the main arena
    Fixed some lighting issues on stalactites and other props
    Parts of Hale's intro sequence no longer play while waiting for players
    Improved optimization and detailing in some areas
    Improved clipping on spiral stairs (Thanks Aar!)
    Updated security system
Updated cp_brew
    The shortcut from RED spawn to the "A" point now has a nobuild trigger
    Added floor indicator for the health kit in the "A" point wooden shack
    Adjusted "A" point wooden shack to allow more breathing room
    Fixed getting stuck on the "A" gate's frame
    Fixed teletrap near "A" point ditch route
    Fixed being able to place buildings inside an out-of-bounds room outside "A" point
    Fixed some stuck spots near "B" point
    Fixed being able to shoot through a crack in the BLU forward spawn
    Fixed floating props in the diner
    Fixed one way door not forcing itself closed
    Cleaned up some collisions and clipping across the map
    Improved lighting on all of the archways
Updated koth_krampus
    Fixed missing trees in skybox
    Improved look of waterfall texture near full health-kit
    Fixed minor visual errors
    Minor NPC clipping changes
    Fed krampus some oats
Updated pl_emerge
    Switched on the cart light
    Fixed RED players being able to sit on the edge of an exit of BLU's starting spawn
    Fixed some doors showing incorrect textures
    Fixed the final capture point displaying an incorrect string
    Fixed the map occasionally playing incorrect ambient sounds
    Minor visual and performance tweaks
Updated cp_carrier
    The Carrier now has full crits rather than mini-crits
    The Carrier now uses the robot voice lines
    Improved hearability of the Carrier's voice lines and footsteps
    Fixed visual bugs with the boss bar
    Fixed the Carrier sometimes becoming invisible while taunting
    Fixed animation glitches when a Demoman Carrier holds a Stickybomb Launcher
    Fixed occasional phasing through the elevator platform at BLU spawn
    Decreased size of the frog
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

thought I was washed up, but did alright on the midfight

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago (1 children)

does this count as advertising? not sure if I should just delete this based off the rules on spam

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago

no they are a bit slow with it, the NA and EU servers are always the first ones since they already have those servers running from their beta (and also I would imagine those servers are significantly cheaper)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago (2 children)

they do have australian servers? they just open them a few days after the start of the event and usually close them before the event ends due to the servers no longer being used, pretty sure the australian servers were only 2 days late this time which isn't bad, especially since the singapore servers were only 1 day late.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

nice! I just got 4 missions in tonight, luckily they got Singapore servers open, currently playing from Australia so hoping they open their servers for it soon

Complete 7 and 15 missions to unlock the medals! There are 3 donator medals available too for donating to the charity.

the event will end December 15th, 2024

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago

yea toxic looks really cool, while I wouldnt want halloween maps permanently in rotation, would like to see some of them get their non-halloween counterparts added, not all of them though, some of those maps are dogshit lmao


Currently watching in person B)


[–] [email protected] 2 points 8 months ago

I NEED my passtime quickplay!!!!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago (2 children)

could also just upload to lemmy directly


Europe region

Signups: NOW! – June 21st 18:00 CEST
Group Stages: June 24th – July 19th
Playoffs: July 21st – TBA (Signup Dependant)

The cup will be played over 3 weeks in swiss, with playoffs starting from July 15th and length will be decided once signups are closed. Due to this being a new gamemode and focusing more on the movement mechanics of TF2 rather than DM, we will be hosting swiss as one group.


Australia region

You can sign up for Sixes Winter '24 from Wednesday the 5th of June 2024, until Wednesday the 19th of June 2024. We aim to have seeding out by Friday the 21st of June 2024 at the latest, before the season starts. The season starts Sunday the 23rd of June 2024.


Australia region

You can sign up for Highlander Winter '24 from Sunday the 2nd of June 2024, up until Friday the 21st of June 2024. We aim to have seeding out by Sunday the 23rd of June 2024 at the latest, before the season starts. The season starts Wednesday the 26th of June 2024.


Magnetic Mayhem is a summer community MvM charity tour featuring 6 intermediate, 9 advanced, and 6 expert missions across 19 maps. Complete the tour to earn up to 2 in-game medals!

Charity: Donate to the National Brain Tumor Society to earn up to 3 donor medals!


Ozfortress is back with ultiduo with a new whitelist and new maps

Solemn Vow and Disciplinary Action are now allowed.

Maps will be ultiduo_ozf_r, ultiduo_swine_b06, ultiduo_baloo_v2 and ultiduo_champions_b1

You can sign up for Ultiduo 18 from now (Wednesday the 17th of April 2024), up until Wednesday the 1st of May 2024. We aim to have initial seedings out by Friday the 3rd of May at the latest. As always, Ultiduo will be on a Saturday, Saturday the 4th of May 2024.

they are planning to put a max team signup of 40-48 unfortunately

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