Reminds me of the movie "Nobody knows", also from a real story, also Japanese.
Whatsoever, anything relating to kids' suffering's hard.
I see all your movies and I give you Oranus
You're welcome
Jumping on the occasion to recommend the community Menslib (from /r/menslib)
[email protected]
It is focused on the struggle of being a man in this patriarchal society, while keeping a healthy mindset and constructive conversations.
Oh great, /r/redpill found Lemmy...
No please be on your way.
I didn't think about it, but it does read like a buzzfeed
The smell of the homeless crazy person that had the habit of shitting themselves and wearing the same green winter coat even during summer. They would wander off the street every evening and you could smell their presence 30 meters away.
I remember going home every time with the smell stuck on my nostril for half an hour before I could smell anything else.
The smell was nothing I ever experienced in my whole life. I would say it was closer to cadaverine.
Its been 15 years but I can still vividly remember it.
I am trying, because I like the fresh new air of Lemmy and I want to bring more positivity in people everydays life, for a change.
I posted a neutral and genuine question a few days ago and got doomvoted hard, because it contained a buzzword.
Haters gonna be haters, but this thing hurts more that I'd like to admit it.
There, I said it.
Not for something that happened, but still a weird explanation :
I tried once to compare in lenght what it feels like to wake up amnesiac and trapped in a Portal like game system, to explain the parallel threads of a GPU, for a technical article at work.
Thank f*ck one of my coworkers kindly told me it was a terrible idea, before making it public to the whole company.
I don't know where you should look, but clapping rapidly while they are pouring your drink, while shouting "Encore, encore!", should dissipate the awkwardness.
From what I read in the article, layoffs were higher in the non-techy departments of these tech companies.
Departments like marketing, and HR, that have a higher demographics of women, as stated in this article.
I don't think the article is fair to say that it drags us back many years regarding efforts in equity, when said efforts were targeted towards tech and engineering departments.
This is exactly what you said. Workout and cold showers.
Even if a cold shower is once a day, it is enough. Willpower is like a muscle, you don't have to exert it constantly, but regularly.
As for working out, you don't have to like it, to make it. This is the hard pill to swallow, but struggling is part of it, at least in the beginning.
What I find helpful personally, is to watch a coaching video. You follow the moves of the vlogger at the same pace, and only pause when you can absolutely not take it anymore. I end up cursing at the video and hating my life on the spot.
I recon that it helped me have more control on myself (like pain tolerance). But as for the ADHD you describe, I am not sure I saw any improvement personally.