As I suspected, I did not understand the summary.
I'm aware we'll never find the bottom truth, whatever that may be, it's only better and better models. Sometimes though, the model chosen by the scientific community isn't really a good one, despite fitting most of the data. I think dark matter, like the aether(spelling?), is one of those models. Again, I base this solely on the clunky, ad hoc feeling of the dark matter model and not of anything more substantial than that. If I'm wrong and they manage to find a chunk of dark matter I'm fine with that. The chunk part was a joke, btw, I'll settle for detection or proof of existence.
Yeah, "plausible" was the wrong word to use. Maybe "more elegant"? Then again, the truth (not that there is one, precisely) isn't always elegant.
The whole "dark matter" thing has never sat right with me. It always seemed like a desperate attempt to explain what we see. I'm not saying I know enough to have an informed opinion, but it has always seemed wrong. It is matter we can't detect in any way except for gravity? Nah. The forces of nature changing due to expansion? Fits better somehow. Anyway, what do I know? I entertained the idea that it was time that was changing due to the expansion, but I couldn't get it to fit. This seems more plausible.
They wouldn't do that. They'd ban them, cuz only libtards are cowardly and gay enough to use them. Or something. I hate this timeline.
Have you stopped fucking donkeys? Yes/no only, please.
I would just give them the benefit of the doubt. If someone is stealing baby formula you keep your god damned mouth shut. End of story. Even if they steal it to sell it, it probably means that someone might be able to afford it down the line. I would not risk ratting someone out for trying to feed their baby. How is this even a concern? It might not be someone who tries to feed their baby so I better rat them out, just in case? That's fucked up.
Lol. As a neighbor, I believe you. Grew up around a lot of Finns and all that grumpiness is just an act. You're all cuddly inside but afraid to show it. Love you all.
Looks like it's finally time to bite the bullet and watch the big short.
There's zero chance his handlers will let him debate anyone, let alone Biden. I'm not saying Biden is fantastic or anything, it's just that Trump is unable to string coherent thoughts together anymore. It's never been his forté, but these days? Sheesh. Dude's not making any sense at all and can barely read from the teleprompter. Intelligently coming up with retorts on the fly in a debate? I doubt he'll even understand why Obama's suddenly an elderly white guy.
That "article" was a right mess. AI generated or severly intoxicated writer? I'm guessing AI.
Or the aether or the flat earth model. I know all this, but I still believe it is a bad and lazy model that stopped a lot of people from trying to find something else that could explain what we're seeing, or not seeing actually. There is too much gravity, yes. What could produce that effect? Shit we aren't seeing, dark matter, sure. But what if there's no 'extra' matter? What other thing could produce the appearance of too much matter? Is time changing in some way we don't know? Is light slowing down/going faster due to the expansion? Is there something else that we thinks is constant that is actually changing over time? Should I really smoke this much? I don't know any of this obviously but I have a distinct feeling we are missing something with 'dark matter' as a model. I get why we use it, but I don't like it. When we create a model, we fix it in our minds and it is very hard to break free from that mindset. Look what it took before we accepted that time is relative. What else is relative? What, besides mass, aren't we seeing?