Elegant. Thanks!
Do you mind explaining? Maybe with the context of another languages equivalent?
Idk why you insist on it being a psyop, but you do you. I tried to find an android device that had hardware support for H.264, H.265, and others and it's not much there. I believe Firetv 4K does but then you are getting a more locked down android with a bunch more ads.
Yeah, very legit.
Then you weren't in the r/self-hosting or r/piracy communities. It comes from the fact that it supports most codecs. So when you want to watch almost any movie on Plex, the server won't have to transcode.
I feel this. But, in a lot of jobs you have someone forcing you to do art the way they had envisioned lol
Same for tiktok for me. I love the weekly scroll with my SO.
Oh cool. My grandparents don't have any idea that scrolling text isn't normal on startup. Neat project though!
Never used 4chan. Thanks for explaining though!
Jujutsu Kaisen