
joined 2 years ago
[–] 7 points 2 months ago

Rather than reply in the deeply nested thread we are in, I'm going to make this a new comment.

I’m also going to say this again as a preface: I am not a lawyer. None of this should be considered legal advice. Seek your own legal counsel.

I think you might be misunderstanding what "free speech" means in the US. The First Amendment protects us from the government making laws restricting what we can and cannot say. For example, I can say "the President is a moron" and face no criminal consequences for doing so.

However, that freedom is not a blanket immunity—it does not protect us from the consequences of our words. Context is everything.

For instance, while no government agency can make a law preventing you from yelling "fire" in a crowded movie theater, if you do so and someone gets injured or killed in the resulting panic, there will likely be legal consequences. You wouldn’t be charged with saying "fire" itself, but rather with knowingly causing a panic that any reasonable person would expect to lead to injuries. Victims or their families could also sue you in civil court.

The First Amendment doesn’t protect anyone not physically located inside the borders of the US or a US-controlled territory. For example, a US citizen vacationing in China wouldn’t be protected for speaking out against the Chinese government.

For those outside the US, it’s also important to note that hosting an instance in the US doesn’t shield you from your own country’s laws, which might differ significantly.

Interestingly, you might find that an instance in another country, such as Germany, would provide stronger data privacy protections. Given how little many US citizens seem to value privacy—continuing to allow our federal government to pass laws enabling warrantless surveillance—other countries may have an edge. (No, I’m not a tinfoil hat wearer. Besides, everyone knows tinfoil is reflective and would just make it easier for them to spot you from satellites.)

That’s my long-winded, sometimes whimsical but mostly serious way of saying: Please stop looking for the line that isn’t okay to cross. This instance exists to foster welcoming, friendly conversations. If you make an honest mistake, you’ll get a warning so you know where the line is.

If you want an instance where you can say whatever you want without any moderation, this isn’t the place.

With that, I’m going to lock this post from further replies because I don’t see how the conversation can continue constructively. If you believe the thread should be reopened, feel free to DM me, and I’ll consider it. Please note that this is for discussing whether to reopen the thread, not for continuing the debate in private.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago (2 children)

That's a fairly broad and loaded question. We tend to defer to moderators for taking actions in the various communities. The question you've asked here has no context to it. It's like asking if it's ok to talk about getting drunk. Yes, you can talk about getting drunk. Can you talk about encouraging people to get drunk and then go drive a car? What about drinking to the point of alcohol poisoning? What about encouraging people to get drunk in a MADD community? All of these have different context to them and you can obviously see where in at least some of them you'd likely find yourself with a warning or being banned from the community (and in one, there's potential your own mother might call you out). I don't think it's possible to list out all of the possible scenarios a particular topic is allowed to be discussed. So my answer is, read the code of conduct of this server AND the one of the community you are posting in (paying special attention to the sections about harassment along with the definition of harassment), then use common sense about whether a particular topic is allowed.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago (4 children)

what is your stance on this decision by the LW admins

I don't have one. LW and DO are very different in size (number of users, number of communities, AND traffic). I also won't get drawn into a debate about how one instance chooses to govern vs how we do (not saying that's what you were doing, just saying this is my only reply on the topic)

[–] 2 points 2 months ago (6 children)

Also, IANAL and neither is We are not about to say this instance allows you to comply with all legal obligations for your geographical location in the world - that's up to you as an individual.

[–] 4 points 2 months ago (15 children)

I won't speak for (he's the primary admin, I just pretend to help out 😉), but I see no reason to be a "USA focused instance". We are open to anyone, anywhere as long as they are interested in open, respectful discourse staying within the code of conduct. Additionally, IMO having instances be "go to" instances kind of goes against a core concept of the fediverse. Anyone can run their own instance and get content from other instances (I don't recommend it though 😱). Themed instances are fine, but they don't advertise themselves as the "go to" for that theme, they just simply cater more to that style of communities. And with that description, Discuss.Online's only "theme" is that you discuss... things, online 😜

[–] 5 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Yes, the about site needs a lot of work. The demo site is using the Lemmy frontend but Java Springboot backend. The whole intent of the first milestone release is to be a drop-in replacement for Lemmy. It's after that where we will differentiate with things like better moderation/admin support, etc... The federation service will be built in Golang. And yeah, we need to do a lot more work on outlining what work needs to be completed in the form of issues. Those 8 for sure are things that need to be done though.

[–] 7 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Hi appreciate it, but we have no budget for paying contributors (we aren't even covering base costs let along paying ourselves). This is an open source project where we don't have any plans to monetize the platform itself (we might consider building things down the line that are paid add-ons, but nothing that would be essential for running your own instance self-hosted)

[–] 2 points 11 months ago (1 children)

I don't know how you feel as I've never personally experienced losing a job, but I emphasize with what you might be going through. I've had friends and family that have gone through it (or going through it now). You are not your job. You are sooo much more. Losing a job may suck, but you will recover and be better from it (even if it takes time).

[–] 1 points 11 months ago

Thanks. That's actually a bit helpful. I think I'm similar to you on the "tick the box" feeling

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

I hear you on the lack of controlled/curated environment. I know that with a scheduled routine I'm least forgetful, but my brain starts screaming about the "monotony" of the routine.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Hmm, the stack/heap approach IS interesting. I might try giving that a try.

Re: exercise, it wasn't what I was asking about but it's still a good reminder. I try to take daily walks, but I could be better at other exercise in general (I paid for a sit/stand desk and always forget to adjust it to stand mode so I end up sitting all day)

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

The restaurant pagers is sheer genius. I can already envision the "why is that thing blinking? Oh yeah I need to do X" trigger. Unfortunately I doubt it would work for me because of the time predictability requirement (probably a big reason I struggle with planners in general I imagine), but still... my mind is blown on that one


I have tried a couple of different "daily planner" type strategies (Bullet Journal, etc...), but none of them seem to stick. I'm looking for ideas on how others are able to organize their daily/weekly/whatever to see if any of them would make sense for me (or maybe even trigger inspiration to take parts from ideas and make my own). I'm pretty sure whatever I go with would have to be digital (carrying a physical notebook with me was part of the reason Bullet Journal didn't work), but I'm not opposed to trying an analog technic again. Also, depending on the strategy I could probably "convert" it to digital and use Obsidian or another tool (I'm an iOS user).


How does everyone feel about it? Should I keep it? Turn it off? Change it's frequency? (If so, to what?). It feels like it's the biggest poster here and I don't know if that is a good thing or not? I see some responses to it (which is good), but I also see a few that don't get responses. If it's just about the prompts it is giving I could try tuning that as well. Please let me know what you all think.


We are aware of an issue with some clients not being able to sync (receiving 502 errors, etc..). It does not appear to affect all clients and the web view is still working. We will update this post as we know more and when we have resolved it.


09-Sept 11:19 PM UTC We attempted to roll back from Lemmy v0.18.4-beta.8 to v0.18.4 (as well as even earlier beta versions) but the service failed to start. We've reverted back to v0.18.4-beta.8 for now and will continue investigating the cause of the sync issues.

10-Sept 3:30 AM UTC And... we are back, where we started. If you hadn't noticed, we were down for almost 2.5 hours while we tried to rollback the database migrations introduced in the beta releases so we could go back to the stable v0.18.4. When that failed, we tried to restore from the backup we took just prior to the rollback attempt. When that failed, we used Digital Ocean's restore to point in time and created a new DB cluster and switched to it. So... we are back on v0.18.4-beta.8 again, with the expectation that 3rd party clients are still broken. Unfortunately, we are not sure what we can do about this as we believe it is something in Lemmy that is breaking it. The mitigation we have put in place to avoid this going forward is that we no longer use the "latest" tag when loading a docker image and now hard lock to a specific version. We will update that version in a more intentional manner going forward.

10-Sept 4:15 AM UTC After some additional digging through the Lemmy diff for beta.5 to beta.8 (and then looking through the PRs that were merged to create this diff), the issue is indeed with the Lemmy code and is even called out in one of the PRs,. What this means is that the 3rd party clients that are not able to access the site will need to update their code to fix things on their side (or else they will be broken when v0.19 is released and all other instances update to it).

16-Sept 11:23 PM UTC Both Sync and Mlem have now released new versions that resolve connectivity issues. If there are any remaining clients we suggest you reach out directly to them to ask them. We'll be unpinning this post in a few hours

27-Sept 10:30 PM UTC We have made the decision to update to the RC (release candidate) for v19 as the beta we were previously on was missing some much-missed admin tools that we need to run the site with. This update appears to have affected 3rd parties again (I have tested Mlem and Memmy and get errors about authentication, however they still seem to load?). There also appears to be an issue with the home page loading that we are currently looking into how to resolve. As before, we don't anticipate any way to roll back. To steal a line from my daughter's favorite movie: Keep Moving Forward

28-Sept 12:03 AM UTC We found an issue with the markdown parsing that was causing the homepage sidebar to throw errors. We've resolved the issue and will update the core developers of Lemmy.

03-Oct 1:28 AM UTC We have implemented a workaround that should have fixed all apps. Please let us know if you are still having issues with an app (we may not be able to add a workaround for it, but we would like to at least track the ones not working)


I got my ADD diagnosis today (no "h" as I don't meet the criteria for hyperactivity). It felt validating to hear a doctor say what I've felt for a while now.


I relate with this sooo much.


Hey all,

I’m going to change the frequency of the question bot from daily to weekly. It seems to get a few upvotes every so often, but very little engagement. My hope with having it at all was to create an “ice breaker” type post to get others to feel open enough to engage in the community. Let me know your thoughts though if you would rather it be even less often or not at all.


Hey everyone,

I'm working on some automation that I will add to a bot account for posting the daily question. I'd love if anyone has suggestions for questions/topics. I'll add a credit mention for you if I use a submission (or keep you anonymous if you want). Feel free to reply here or DM me


Here is today's question:

Share a piece of advice you would give your younger self


Hey all, I’m going to try posting a “daily” question (I say “daily” because I very likely will forget to post a question every day). Here’s the first one:

What positive qualities can you acknowledge and celebrate in yourself today?

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