I don't know... he seemed to be quite against it when he ripped a chunk of his wife's hair off and raped her because she'd recommended him the surgeon that performed his scalp reduction, which he felt was too painful...
According to that statement they don't have access to the account to renew that one either, so they'll lose it eventually and it should be considered temporary. 🤷♂️
The original short story is called Story of your life, as from the point of view of Banks narrating it to her daughter.
No love story, no daughter, no Story of your life.
I suppose you could still have a story about aliens, and the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, and bootstrap paradoxes, but you wouldn't have this story, and probably wouldn't have the same emotional impact.
It'd be like taking the war out of Slaughterhouse-Five, if we're staying with the aliens and alien-related psychic time travel theme. Or the air out of a balloon.
genuinely one of my favourite original sci-fi movies I've watched in the last decade
I mean, it's at least plausible. Cats scratch the sand before and after using it, to cover their tracks, and while they can be incredibly smart when they want to they can also simultaneously be astoundingly stupid... so they sometimes scratch outside the sandbox.
If they do that on a sandbox with wheels, it's not out of the question for them to move it (especially if they can sink their claws into something, like carpet).
That gives you two possible scenarios for the story: the stupid wins, and the cat is just trying to cover its business but is moving the sandbox instead, or the smart wins, and the cat figures out it can move the sandbox wherever it wants, which will probably be near its humans, as cats prefer to have someone nearby watching for predators while they do their business.
Ted Chiang's Story of Your Life won a Nebula for best novella and a Theodore Sturgeon award, and was nominated for a Hugo for best novella.
Yeah, it's pretty good.
the totally not evil company Bayer
Ah, yes, the totally not evil company that (together with BASF and Hoechst, forming the cartel IG Farben) developed chlorine gas for use in world war I.
The same IG Farben which was the single largest donor to Hitler's election campaign, and main contributor to the construction of Auschwitz, where they produced synthetic petrol and rubber for use in the war and performed all manner of human experiments, including testing their own Zyklon B gas.
The same company that decades after the war was still chaired by well known nazis, and profiting from chemicals developed at Auschwitz.
Yeah, I'm sure Monsanto is in good hands, and feels right at home there.
Half a million is within reach for people who didn't start out dirt poor, got an education, and a professional gig.
No, it's not.
To have that kind of money you have to have been born with it, be corrupt, have won a lottery¹, and / or have been born back when the world wasn't yet as FUBARed as it is now.
1.— By winning a lottery I don't necessarily mean a literal one. I mean that out of the million people with your exact same abilities, opportunities, and circumstances you're the one lucky bastard who made it out without being chewed up and spat out by the world.
So I did. It's so hard to tell these days. 🤦♂️
Sure; you can argue that races don't exist, if you want to be a sophist about it.
Like colours, or species, they're just a sociocultural construct; ad hoc buckets we use to classify into separate categories something that's really more of a continuous multidimensional gradient.
Unlike races, racism does objectively, undeniably exist. Racists exist, and they discriminate, and cause all forms of harm and violence upon the people they discriminate against.
It's entirely irrelevant whether the buckets they use to fit their victims in have any actual existence outside their rotten little brains or not (in fact the fact that races don't really exist should only make their irrational discrimination even more unacceptable, if anything; and dangerous: you never know when they might decide to change their bucket so that you fit in it).
Racists will discriminate. They'll cause harm. They'll cause violence. That will happen, regardless of the actual existence or lack thereof of the races they discriminate against.
And, as long as there's racism, there'll be victims of racism.
So, again, sure, don't acknowledge races if you don't want to.
But you should absolutely acknowledge racism and its victims (and take into account racist's lunacies, such as races), since those are 100% real, and even if you currently fit into their "good" bucket, they will affect you, and the people you care about.
when they turn off old.reddit
If they do that I'll open a reddit account just so I can leave reddit again. 😤
They can't use email..?